
Hi, I'm going to try again as I didn't really introduce myself in my last post. I'm not sure if I can post as I haven't had a diagnosis yet. I find posting on threads really hard as it really gets to me if I don't get a reply, my brain doesn't see it as your thread/post may not make sense or there just isn't an answer. I see it as people don't like me even though I haven't met them.

I'm 45 years old and for as long as I can remember have never felt like I fitted in anywhere, I was the weird one that everyone avoided unless they wanted something. I don't want everyone to know if I get diagnosed but part of me wants to know why I'm different and why I don't fit in anywhere

I have been struggling at work recently as it seems that the managers have it in for me, so I have been signed off. The doctors thinks it stress and anxiety but whilst I have been off I seen a program on women with autism and what was being said was like that is me, even my best mate said it.

  • I just feel like I don't fit in anywhere and never have to the point of thinking no one will miss me if I wasn't around.
  • I find social gatherings really hard so I get classed as a loner. I also find it hard to meet new people.
  • The slightest noise irritates me where it doesn't bother my mate.
  • I have 1 person I can talk to about anything which is my best mate.
  • I find it hard to read whether people are being sarcastic or serious and only laugh at the jokes so as not to stand out.
  • I notice and remember things that others don't. My mate says I have a photographic memory especially when driving.
  • I have a set routine which I hate if I have to change.
  • When we are going away or out for the day I have to plan everything to the last detail and go over and over it.
  • People get annoyed with me when I go over things again and again.

These are just a few. I have been going over and over in my head as to whether I could be autistic or not and whether I should seek a diagnosis or not at my age. I finally rang my doctors today and booked the next available appointment which is the 28th April.

  • Hello Shazza, big welcome to the forum. I'm sorry your original post was lost in the ether. From what I've seen this forum moves fast, so please don't feel this was a personal against you thing. This is a welcoming friendly forum. I hope you will find that and enjoy it. I often feel I don't belong and fit in, so far I'm finding a homely feel here where I do fit in. Hopefully you'll find something similar.

  • Hello Shazza, big welcome to the forum. I'm sorry your original post was lost in the ether. From what I've seen this forum moves fast, so please don't feel this was a personal against you thing. This is a welcoming friendly forum. I hope you will find that and enjoy it. I often feel I don't belong and fit in, so far I'm finding a homely feel here where I do fit in. Hopefully you'll find something similar.
