Hello - Looking For Help Please

Diagnosed ASD in 2019.

Had zero help or support.

No local support groups available.

Struggling desperately with outside/external noise.

Stuck in house.

Having to use earplugs + noise-cancelling headphones at same time, pretty much all the time.

Does anyone else have any advice, please?


  • Typical. Ignored again. Story of my life :(

  • Hi Mark. Sorry to hear that you ended up feeling this way. When we're feeling very distressed, 40 minutes might as well be 40 days. But nobody here will ever ignore you, you might just need to give the community a few hours or a day or so when the forum's in a quieter phase. One or two just-started threads in the last week or two I've felt guilty about not repyling to, as I've been more burned out of late. If a few regulars are in that mode, it can lead to regrettable but largely unavoidable gaps in time before a thread really gets going. But stick with the place and hopefully you'll find it a supportive one.  

  • Thank you for your reply, Shardovan. You shouldn't feel guilty about not replying to folks on here. It's not your job to help anyone but yourself. I've felt guilty and even selfish most of my life for not doing more to help others, but it's resulted in me being left behind in the self-care department.

    Just feeling sorry for myself, as usual. Can't help it.

    Anyway, have e-mailed and asked for my account on here to be closed. It's not really the sort of place I should be when I'm struggling with depression, Type-1 Diabetes, and trying to help care for my terminally ill Mother.

    I just think there should be some self-help techniques listed here on the website, if people are struggling and feel the need to try them, especially if like me they can't face/cope having to make endless appointments with a GP/mental health team. Not great when you come to the main charity's website, and can't find anything that might help you there and then, when you need it. Just a thought.

    Take care.

  • Thank you for your reply, Shardovan. You shouldn't feel guilty about not replying to folks on here. It's not your job to help anyone but yourself. I've felt guilty and even selfish most of my life for not doing more to help others, but it's resulted in me being left behind in the self-care department.

    Just feeling sorry for myself, as usual. Can't help it.

    Anyway, have e-mailed and asked for my account on here to be closed. It's not really the sort of place I should be when I'm struggling with depression, Type-1 Diabetes, and trying to help care for my terminally ill Mother.

    I just think there should be some self-help techniques listed here on the website, if people are struggling and feel the need to try them, especially if like me they can't face/cope having to make endless appointments with a GP/mental health team. Not great when you come to the main charity's website, and can't find anything that might help you there and then, when you need it. Just a thought.

    Take care.

  • Im so sorry to hear that, Mark. There just aren’t words for how hard that must be. But there’s support here when you need it. Don’t rule out joining in again even if it means a new account. 

  • Mark, my heart goes out to you, that's all awful stuff to have to deal with, for you and your mum.

    I urge you to consider just leaving your account (if you haven't started the process to close it, or they ask you if you really want to do this) dormant and available for use if you need someone to talk to. 

    I'll admit not every cry for help or companionship on this site gets answered, it sure isn't a magic cure-all place, BUT there are some wonderful empathic, helpful people who log in form time to time, and if you catch one of those, it' really is "suddenly" worth being here.

    Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best possible outcome..

  • My Mam is going into a hospice on Monday.

    Probably just as well that asked for my account on here to be closed, as I don't think I'm gonna be able to cope.

  • MacMillan Nurse came to see Mam today, and I got upset, left the room, and had a good cry in my room.

    Always helps me let off steam/let stress out.

  • Why not keep your account going and you can come in as and when the mood takes you? I've seen some people leave and then return, and while there's nothing wrong with formally closing the door, why not leave it slightly ajar in case you could use a supportive chat some day from people who understand. I've found conversation and empathy on here better than any elusive technique, not that I don't understand your wish that bespoke exercises could be readily discovered and used. Whatever you decide, I wish you well. And I'm very sorry to hear about your mother's illness, that must be very hard on you.