Hello - Looking For Help Please

Diagnosed ASD in 2019.

Had zero help or support.

No local support groups available.

Struggling desperately with outside/external noise.

Stuck in house.

Having to use earplugs + noise-cancelling headphones at same time, pretty much all the time.

Does anyone else have any advice, please?


Parents Reply Children
  • Mark I've only recently returned to this community after an absence owing to technical difficulties with a former email platform where I was known by this community as NAS83898 (see this and both profiles) I've been around a bit and done lots despite my own autism. I've learned to develop a thick skin since childhood over my 78 years.  I understand how masking to do so can wear one out both mentally and physically. I was able to survive the NT world through focusing on my work. Socially I've been useless. All I can offer you is not to give up. You must learn fortitude---it's a matter of survival but it is tiring. There is no magic wand for us---only support that generally just isn't there. So, carry on with this site and you will ---eventually gain some fortitude in the knowledge you are not alone!


  • Sorry man, had I seen it sooner I would’ve replied sooner..Sweat smile 
    See if you cannot get your hands on some autism bio’s, you would be surprised at how creative people can get in pursuit of comfort.  

    I found that having access to your special interest and your means of nullifying sensory-sensitivity is key to reducing your overload cool-down.. There was a time where I wore sunglasses, a baseball-cap, a face-mask, and earphones to sate my AS needs. I didn’t even realise the compounding fashion-explosion until someone pointed it out..Sweat smile

  • Hi Mark. Sorry no one replied to your post. I did see it yesterday and was going to reply but sometimes I get overwhelmed with replying to posts and kind of shut down - but I wish I had of done now. I wouldn’t have been able to advise with noise outside as I have more of an issue with noise inside my home. But I do fully understand noise sensitivity. I can see you have asked for your account to be deleted, if you don’t mind me suggesting it may be in haste. When I first joined I felt like an outsider but the more I contributed the more I feel a part of this place, and there really is so much support and understanding. So while you may not find the support you were originally looking for from nas, you may well find being amongst others that ‘get it’ may be beneficial in the long run. 

  • Hi Mark. Sorry to hear that you ended up feeling this way. When we're feeling very distressed, 40 minutes might as well be 40 days. But nobody here will ever ignore you, you might just need to give the community a few hours or a day or so when the forum's in a quieter phase. One or two just-started threads in the last week or two I've felt guilty about not repyling to, as I've been more burned out of late. If a few regulars are in that mode, it can lead to regrettable but largely unavoidable gaps in time before a thread really gets going. But stick with the place and hopefully you'll find it a supportive one.  

  • Tell me about it...