Coming off anti psychotic drugs

Hello my name is Julie. My son was kind of diagnosed while in hospital under a ton of antipsychotic drugs. He doesn't have learning difficulties, but these drugs makes it look like it to anyone watching on, although they think something is not quite right. After 13 years of drugs, this one that one. It is finally skimming the surface of being said he hasn't psychosis, he is Autistic and OCD and anxiety is a problem. He is off drugs, but the brain is fighting through withdrawals and trying to reclaim himself, like speech, his memory, his skills, where he could teach himself foreign languages very easily before drugs and emotions are all mixed us. He is sleeping right now and I found this forum. Hope there is someone else out there like me and coming out the other side.

  • Hi

    Yes I have had loads of metaphoric words and pictures! It was only two years ago just over he was tasered by police. He had a six month in hospital, excuse me if I already said this, and seclusion for a month, kept like an animal with huge amounts ogf Haloperidol and other drugs. Yes , when remember seeing him in that locked room, I often say you "BLEEP BLEEP" and have to distract myself with a comedy or something.

    We are seeing little bits of him, very tiny, but we did on meds, the meds are gone properly now for only 17 or 18 days, as we did reintroduce then twice, but that only aggrivated him.

    The commuinity team have no idea how to support us, apart from the fact of saying things like "keep a bed time" ask him what makes him "unhappy" I don't think so. What was the other one? Oh yes, what do you expect to be doing in five years...hmmmm, its what hes going to be doing in five days or five hours I am more interested in.

    Thanks for you support, it means alot

  • Hi

    Thanks for those words and the hugs.

    Sorry about your dad. You know there were days of despair during the last 13 years the hospital trauma my son went through that I thought and said a few times he'd be better off not here. It was despair and I just want my son back who he was, that might never happen. He is at the moment going through all types of withdrawal and brain adjustments and I really hope the brain is clever enough to knit back together how it should be. Josh was/is clever, warm, seeks others pleasure. I don't know how far on the Autistic scale he is? But he only had a short speech delay. It was OCD pressure that got to him and anxiety of this that through him to the MH world and stole him. Yes, I am happy to hear any tips and experiences especially from those like my son where the brain has been confused and it becomes unconfused. Speech and conversation returns etc. There is some but not enough. He keeps saying "do you remember" about a lot of things, mainly games and other stuff.

    I am still getting used to this forum and not really grasping how it works yet Slight smile

  • Hi I only found your reply to my post for spotting it on a link, I never received an email, I am still new at this, do I go to the NAS site to get replies? Perhaps I should try that. Thanks for your support. Someone said that to us once. We have been to OMBUDS and solicitors and all sorts. The MH NHS are untouchable! Just wanted to know if anyone was up against what I am and the light to end of tunnel, well a glimmer. Brilliant to hear from you!

  • they need to be sued for damages from their incompetance and struck off the medical license.

  • that is damage to your son from the drugs due to misdiagnosis.... surely you can sue them for damages for that?

  • Dawn,

    Lots of trauma but I'm trying my best to be my authentic self without too much hiding...... :-/

  • I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad x

  • Thankfully, I never went down the drug path, but so feel for you.

    So glad to hear he's coming off them. Antipsychotics can do horrors to a non-psychotic mind, never mind an autistic non-psychotic mind.

    His brain has a major adjustment to make now to recover, but have faith and patience. Your lad will re- emerge out of this in a while.

    Whoever put him on them in the first place wants shooting - metaphorically, of course.

  • ,

    Hi Julie,

    I'm so relieved to hear that your son has more accurate diagnoses.  I see how you must be feeling.  I'm hoping that your son can get back to a special interest when he's not in the midst of his current struggle.  There are a few books I am reading that may be helpful for you.  I'll let you know when I've finished with them if they could help.  I think you'll find helpful hints and tips on here on how to manage different things with regards to your son.  I find samaritans is helpful when I'm really struggling so might help you if you haven't already reached out to them?

    Unfortunately my Dad died from the wrong drugs and a lifetime of misdiagnosis but I am so happy to hear that your son is no longer on these meds and I hope that you read different threads on here to further understand Autism if you don't already..... I'm happy to share my knowledge if you think it could help...

    Sending hugs.

  • Hello Julie , welcome to the NAS online community! Thank you for posting and introducing yourself. I am sorry that your son has been going through a challenging time, and I hope things continue to get better for him.

    I hope you enjoy being part of the community.

    Best wishes,

    Anna Mod