Coming off anti psychotic drugs

Hello my name is Julie. My son was kind of diagnosed while in hospital under a ton of antipsychotic drugs. He doesn't have learning difficulties, but these drugs makes it look like it to anyone watching on, although they think something is not quite right. After 13 years of drugs, this one that one. It is finally skimming the surface of being said he hasn't psychosis, he is Autistic and OCD and anxiety is a problem. He is off drugs, but the brain is fighting through withdrawals and trying to reclaim himself, like speech, his memory, his skills, where he could teach himself foreign languages very easily before drugs and emotions are all mixed us. He is sleeping right now and I found this forum. Hope there is someone else out there like me and coming out the other side.

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  • Hi I only found your reply to my post for spotting it on a link, I never received an email, I am still new at this, do I go to the NAS site to get replies? Perhaps I should try that. Thanks for your support. Someone said that to us once. We have been to OMBUDS and solicitors and all sorts. The MH NHS are untouchable! Just wanted to know if anyone was up against what I am and the light to end of tunnel, well a glimmer. Brilliant to hear from you!