So many questions!

So, I literally have so many questions following receipt of Autism (Very High / High) test results from leading UK Autisum Charity and then listening to 40+ podcasts and 2 AudioBook (inc Unmarking Autism) since last Thursday. I would like to reach out to a kind hearted soul who can help guide me as a highly masked 50+ who hasn't got a clue but wants to be the best role model/father/husband/friend he can be….

  • Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement. It is quite a revelation being told that your highly likely to be Autist/ADHD and Dyslexic at 52. While answering so many questions about why I behave the way I do and have done all my life. The potential diagnosis has come as a shock and while it explains so much coming to terms with my own preconceived ideas about Autism is hard. Not to mention discovering that I have been unconsciously masking and hiding the Autistic me all my life is challenging to say the least. 

  • Hi and welcome

    Autistic with ADHD are hiding better avoiding detection for years, some traits cancel each other out, some contradict and conflict constantly, thus making others think about us that it isn't possible for us to be autistic.

    I've got autism diagnosis, and I'm self-identified ADHD

    Yesterday I found a video about people like us

    The best source of intel and advice I have ever found

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