

I'm Phoenix. Was officially diagnosed when I was 14. I was still at school then which was difficult because of the amount of people and noise there. I don't do too well with people and noise. It's a huge sensory overload for me. Still, did all right at school. Lessons were a piece of cake and no one dared pick on me. Had some issues in the middle of my teens and a few years later this led to mental health doctors getting involved..... Life's been up and down since then. In and out of hospital. Constantly being badgered by different professionals and under care, if you can call it that, from the mental health teams. On and off medications for the mental health, suicide, harming, anxiety, depression and so on. I personally feel I help myself better than any of the medication they tell me to take. One of the things I love to do and makes me feel a lot better inside is painting. I've been doing this since school and got some new paints for my 25th b-day from my mum. Yay. Painting for me is so relaxing and it's a good way of letting out frustration as well, just take it out on the canvas with the paint. I love the smell of paint as well. Normally most smells cause a sensory overload but not my paints thankfully. I paint every day in my room, don't go out all that much, usually end up in trouble if I do so I stay in. Nothing interesting out there anyway. I like music as well but only if it's on very quiet. I have a big interest in fire, and I suppose an interest in people as well in a way.

Anyway this is longer than intended so I'll break off now.

  • Hello  welcome to the National Autistic Society. I am very sorry to hear of your struggles with mental health. The National Autistic Society has some pages with tricks and tips regarding mental health and hospitals that may help you. I'll copy them here for you to look at.



    I hope this is of some help to you and that you find being a part of the community fun and helpful.

  • everything is fine no lasting damage, spoiled my plans to grow the mohawk Smiley I was 20 at that time so I was trying to fit in following fashion, my hair objected, stopped growing at about 8cm and then fireball burned half of it. I had that funny first mustache too, half of it gone, I've never shaved it before

  • Oh shoot. Damn, that's a crazy thing to have happen to you. I'm glad you didn't have any serious lasting damage though. Shame about your hair lol. Hope it grew back ok.

  • That's good. I try not to but it builds up and I feel I need to get it off my chest. I'm glad you kept going. Shows resilience and strength in you.

    Painting is something I get absorbed by. Like I go to another place for a short time and all my worries and problems can't follow me there. The smell is calming. Relaxing. Like a scented perfume or candle. If it's a dark day I get lost in the paints and that gets me through it.

  • about fire - I was once hit by a fireball made a friend in pub after he inhaled some gas from a lighter, 1m in diameter ball of fire went straight through me and burned half of my hair on the head, I had to shave the other half, LOL

  • thank you, I rather avoid using someone to rant and do it on public forum, but atm I don't have a need to do it. I'm much better than a year ago, I decided to continue struggle in November

    talking works better for me if done about something specific. I would like to hear about your paininting experience tough, and how improved smell fits in

  • Yes you're right they really would. Every time I go to my doctor they just send me in to the asylum (hospital). Don't even try to help.

    I hope you're doing ok yourself? I'm here anytime if you need to talk about anything. Got to look out for each other.

    All the best.

  • Doctors would happily keep us drugged permanently in mental asylum under observation

    I struggle on my own away from that

    there isn't many among us with improved smell, I could tell colleague by smell in my previous job, not the most pleasant thing

    or they don't experiment to find out

  • Hi Sarah, thank you! I thought I'd share too much in my intro there put people off, I have a negative effect on people. I love painting, it's one of those things I'm obsessed with and I think I'm ok at :) 

    Best to you!

  • Hi Phoenix, Welcome to the community! Wonderful to hear about the painting and how it really helps you to relax - I'm sure others on here are interested in painting too :)

