A HELLO EVERYONE, with a dash of HELP.

Hello everyone, i hope all is well with you all, and i hope that i can contact with someone for help and advice.

I’v been told i’m  taken advantage of by my LL. Its a matter regarding  Disrepair & general shoddy workmanship. 

Can ANYONE advice / point me me somewhere to get some proper help. TALK TO SOMEONE? The LL has taken an injection out on me!!


  • my advice is apply for legal aid (https://www.gov.uk/legal-aid) and get a lawyer. It sounds like you probably have a good case to sue your landlord and I expect you are a good candidate for legal aid but you need to speak to the legal aid service to find out if you can get funding and proper lawyer to be sure.

  • Hello , as you mention on your profile about having a disability, it may be helpful to get in touch with an organisation like Disability Rights UK https://www.disabilityrightsuk.org/.

    Best wishes,

    Anna Mod

  • THIS.

    Is what drove me into contemplating an alternative way of living. The very unfairness and futility of trying to obtain the basic benefits of modern life. Unless you are a facile psychopath, there's no actual way of obtaining any sort of basic existence without a steady and dependable (or excessively intermittently large) income. Your issues as you describe them do not a regular or large income make.

    Meanwhile you get bounced form pillar to post, and yes, they LIE like cheap watches. All the time. With C.A.B. you need to be a frequent flyer, before they will listen to you. You need to debase yourself and admit to being useless in every way, the disabled really have to work at it, I am told, and compete for austere resources with people who don't even speak the language... 

    Am I right?

  • Tried the CAB. Got some Woman who’s new to the role & with dealing with autis folk. All she did was email some links that ultimately go back to my local council. I’v already tried them & they buck pass back to the Housing Association and round & round I go

    10 years later, i have a break down , after constantly asking for and fighting for this problem to delt with properly. then i got sectioned , then after that lose access to my Daughter, because her mum got fed up with my not being able to give her the support I should’ve had I had an environment that’s safe  ect. So she moved away,

    I’v contacted the local MP. The Housing Association lied.

    I’v had DR’s over the years write letters both GP & MH.

    Even my pharmacist,  because i’m not taking my meds. because i’m not eating enough. So the meds make me sick. Not eating enough because I can’t store food for long . I live on Chocolate / crisps / pasta /& spend a shed load on takeaways. Or petrol to get out of that environment for a day / night.  

     Its a vicious circle, a sick merry go round and ii’m the only one on board for the fun.  

  • You need "friends". I think Peters advice about the C.A.B. Might be a fairly good place to start.  

    If you lived in South Birmingham I could recommend my last landlords. All landlord work is shoddy, it's simple economics, but it should be "adequate". 

    If you are not able bodied, it still does not stop you from having a keeness to live somewhere nice, but it does add expense / place obstacles in your way when it comes to showing willing to do your half of the upkeep.

    My last landlord tenant experience was my best ever, but I did do a fair bit of minor fixing and improving myself, right off the bat. Like where his guys painted over dirt before I arrived, I sanded and painted the windowsill myself, and made it look much nicer. I also painted the fire escape.

    They in turn changed the windows where the damp was getting in, when I told them it was too big a job for me to envisage ever managing, and it was THEIR property that was being degraded quickly by the damp... 

    what with the injunctions and damp and corrosion of white goods, it does sound there is no "give and take" with your landlord.

  • Also no..  I have no family, only my Daughter, who is also autis. 

  • Hi I Sperg..  Yes may rent paying is always on point.  Infact before i got a solicitor in, i was in credit for  over £800.  The Landlord all of a sudden sent a cheque in the post stating the fact.  Yes i have accepted my lot in life and that i need help. Its just I always draw a blank.,If i had a tradeable skill I would gladly use it.  Alas a one legged painter or prostitute isn’t going to work.  I’v approached my local CAB office & the help.  i just got passed some links to my local council..   and i’v been on their case for ever .   

  • Your living issues sound severe. I've read your bio, and you seem to accept that you need help to get by in life.

    From what I can tell you need to identify sources of such help and then go and politely request (or demand, if it's anything to do with government or the NHS) them.

    The alternative appears to be, that you acquire or discover a tradeable skill that can be traded for enough money to get the services that you require.   

    I'd imagine that you have a decent history of paying your rent on time, it maybe that persevereing with this landlord is less likely to make you a nice home, than simply, moving?

    I've never rented anywhere that bad, even when I was a feckless youth, but I tend to have high standards that don't go well with my low cashflow I am told. I make it all fit together somehow. 

    Do you have friends or family?

  • Hello peter. Very long story short. 
    I have been housed in a Housing Association property for the last 10 years that has cronic damp & mould.
    So bad that it has been condemned by a independent surveyor.

    The damp, it has attacked all white goods,  so i cant cook / keep fresh food. I cant wash or dry clothes,

    I have mobility issues, I cannot use my bath by myself incase i fall  & need adaptions to the property. Had an OT twice.IGNORE.  

    The Land lord is dragging heels / ignoring / using my MH & Autis against me.  I have been sectioned because of this . On high amounts of meds.  Have lost access to my Children 

    The Land lord  have a reputation employing the cheapest for corner cutting and sh*tty work.

    i’m not to good explaining or too fast typing.   

  • injection

    do you mean injunction? Is LL landlord?

    A few questions.

    • What is in disrepair and how did it become broken?
    • Shoddy workmanship on what?
    • Who did the work?
    • Did you request this work?
    • What are the terms of the injunction?
    • How is your land lord taking advantage?

    I'd suggest your first port of call would be your local citizens advice bureaux.