A HELLO EVERYONE, with a dash of HELP.

Hello everyone, i hope all is well with you all, and i hope that i can contact with someone for help and advice.

I’v been told i’m  taken advantage of by my LL. Its a matter regarding  Disrepair & general shoddy workmanship. 

Can ANYONE advice / point me me somewhere to get some proper help. TALK TO SOMEONE? The LL has taken an injection out on me!!


  • injection

    do you mean injunction? Is LL landlord?

    A few questions.

    • What is in disrepair and how did it become broken?
    • Shoddy workmanship on what?
    • Who did the work?
    • Did you request this work?
    • What are the terms of the injunction?
    • How is your land lord taking advantage?

    I'd suggest your first port of call would be your local citizens advice bureaux.

  • Hello peter. Very long story short. 
    I have been housed in a Housing Association property for the last 10 years that has cronic damp & mould.
    So bad that it has been condemned by a independent surveyor.

    The damp, it has attacked all white goods,  so i cant cook / keep fresh food. I cant wash or dry clothes,

    I have mobility issues, I cannot use my bath by myself incase i fall  & need adaptions to the property. Had an OT twice.IGNORE.  

    The Land lord is dragging heels / ignoring / using my MH & Autis against me.  I have been sectioned because of this . On high amounts of meds.  Have lost access to my Children 

    The Land lord  have a reputation employing the cheapest for corner cutting and sh*tty work.

    i’m not to good explaining or too fast typing.   

  • my advice is apply for legal aid (https://www.gov.uk/legal-aid) and get a lawyer. It sounds like you probably have a good case to sue your landlord and I expect you are a good candidate for legal aid but you need to speak to the legal aid service to find out if you can get funding and proper lawyer to be sure.

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