What did everyone do to day

I went for a walk today 

  • Went to borrow a powerwasher to clean my boat ready for the season and got roped into polarding my friends trees in his garden around his childrens treehouse! Now Im binge watching 'Timeteam' :) 

  • Done my usual Saturday morning routine of planning my lessons for the week while using my lightbox for SAD - just about to go tidy up the front garden and pot up the various plants and bulbs I bought this week.

  • So far today I've been doing writing. And I've been listening to some music as well.

  • Hi , yes I listen to audiobooks and apple music. But I never listen to the radio as i can’t abide it. 

  • Do you listen to anything while uou do your deliveries, or is it too distracting?

  • been driving around doing deliveries. I’m sure im stuck in Groundhog Day Slight smile 

  • I watched movies all day, I know right, exciting. Well what the hell its my day off

  • I am on the train home right now after meeting a good autistic friend. I am listening to some music I had downloaded a while back to block out the train noises and people noises and it is making me emotional because it reminds me of a time in my life that was very difficult, but one that I can not and should not ever forget. I like these moments even though they hurt because it makes me feel less of an alien because I know most humans have a lot of emotions and are very loud about that fact, whereas we are much less so like that. Even though I have just had a lovely time with my friend in this moment I feel very lonely. I don't know what to make of this. Does anyone wish they had a secret friend to divulge secrets to? Perhaps I am just emotional from the music.

  • i think they are for different purposes, so complements rather than substitutes? I use mine when I am doing exercise or dog walking because I want/need to be able to hear what is around me. For dealing with bad noise and full on distraction, whisking me away fromt he world noise cancelling headphones are the best I think.

  • I have good can headphones but wonder if bone conductors might be a better option really.

  • I just got back from a rare early morning walk with my dog. It was super - we bumped into no humans the whole way around the woodland. I listened to an audiobook with my bone conducting headphones, so I was still connected to nature sounds as my ears were uncovered.

    I'm now back home and have a short day of work ahead of me because my two very stressful deadlines are over this week.

  • My Wednesday was selling an old PC speaker system and delivering it in person to the guy who bought it

  • Did you walk anywhere special? My Wednesday was a bit boring actually. Didn't do any programming. Hoping today will be more exciting.

  • I started a new job two weeks ago.  So I had an awful 9 to 5 job today, literally!

    I got up at 7:15am, had breakfast, caught a bus at 8:33am.  The bus journey was awful, full of smelly and coughing people.  9am started office work,. Work is still mostly training, it is so boring and tedious, I'm trying to get used to hideous computer systems and processes.  10am I had a management meeting which confirms that I'm doing very badly compared with the other younger trainees.  I seem to be going backwards.

    5pm left work.  5:25pm had another awful bus journey.  8:45pm went supermarket shopping just before it closed.  Thankfully the supermarket was almost empty, but the last minute bargains on expiry date foods were very disappointing, eg £2 food reduced to £1.69. I was hoping to find half price food 

    I'm starting to feel suicidal again.

  • Doing house stuff like cleaning and cooking. Played game for a good while to avoid responsibility of reading and emailing lol

  • Worked from 7-3 today, had some food when I came home, went out for ride got some sacks but it gets cold after a while then watched the book of boba fett and I've pretty much been zoned out since about 6/7pm till now. :)

  • In the middle of my day juggling working from home with getting anxious child eventually to School, parents evening and usual routine managed a 20 minute walk in my lunch break. Walking is a necessity for me, but after the recent cold dull days I actually enjoyed a walk in the sun today.

  • Wednesday is my day to do housework. I also took some things I’d sold to the post office. Oh, and I exercised for the first time in ages.