I hate introductions; let's just have sex

Hello. I am ugly. I look like a hobo; a troglodyte; a "B" movie monster--- but without the pay. I have no money. Let me see a show of hands of the people who want to date me.....

{five seconds pass; ten seconds....}

Hum. Anyone out there? Anyone?

Otch, well. I seem to have the same luck in the imaginary world than I have in Real Life. Since nights of passion and ecstasy appears to be off the table, I suppose an introduction must suffice.

I am ugly. I look like a.....

Oh, wait: I did that part already.

For the past 20.4 years I have been ranch hand on a cattle ranch located in the lonely canyon lands of Northern New Mexico. Perhaps you can imagine what this has done to my love life.

David! Stop doing that!

Oops. Sorry. Where was I? Oh: in New Mexico, living and working on a woman-less cattle ranch, north of Santa Fe. I am surrounded by sandstone cliffs, down here on the canyon floor, among ancient Gallina Phase ruins. These were a collection of Rosa pueblo people who lived here about 700 to 88 years ago. I presume they had women here way back then, which is why I wish I had been born long ago.

I do the usual ranch hand things: hammer my thumb instead of nail; run terrified away from Cow Number Fourteen, who appears to love the taste of human flesh; how beans in the blistering sun, then fall on my face due to dehydration; die each night of loneliness because I am once again alone with no woman to...

Okay, okay. You do not need to know that part.

Before coming to the ranch I lived in a cave for 29 months, alone, because there are not many women who wish to live in caves these days. Yes: really. I wrote a popular memoir about the "adventure."

Before then I delivered boats around the planet for lazy boat owners who did not want to face death going places.

Before then I worked in Information Technology for 12 years, for a heartless international corporation that had plenty of women stomping around, but none of them found me worthy of sharing her life with me.

Because I'm ugly. And I look like a troglodyte.

  • women do not always go for  looks. 

  • To be honest, these days, it may be more cost effective and rewarding to just pay for what you want, when you want it.

    My self-respect cannot and will not prostitute myself.

  • these days the key is money.

    I have found, with my little experience, that it is not money that attracts the women I prefer: it is physical attraction that comes first. The studies and polls on the subject agree with me.

    The most frequently chosen traits that were desirable in a long-term partner were an attractive smile, attractive eyes, average breasts, an average buttocks, and long hair, respectively. Average breasts, large breasts, and then small breasts were selected as desirable, in that order.

    Ideal Partner Survey

  • Alas, thank you, but there is no "key" for me and there never has been. I never learned the social cues that neurotypical people seem to be born with. They were and they are an utter mystery to me.

  • Your last 3 situations have all been in places with zero women around. there is a reason why gay cowboy porn is a genre. Not many women out on the trail. In the olden days cowboys effectively had to advertise for wives in papers with varying success. The only reason some of these cowboy towns even exist Is there was a brothel to service the lonely men rotating in and out of the area and that meant a permanent population of prostitutes with money to reinvest in the area. And New Mexico is no longer such a fan of brothels. If you want female companionship you’re probably going to have to turn to mail order brides or move to the city. At the very least hit online dating hard and look for someone who’s happy to start things long distance.

  • There really is no accounting for what people find sexy, you know. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. Certainly some of my ex boyfriends weren't the classic model look.

    For me, and for many women, the mind and soul are a much bigger turn on. I can't comment on anyone's looks, everyone is some one's kind of sexy, but you have certainly lead an interesting life and I can tell by your posts that you are a deep thinker with a big soul. That's got to be just what someone out there has been looking for all their life...it's just about being at the right time in the right space with them. That much is luck.

    As for all the other seemingly successful Romeos out there...well, how many of them find true love and how many just a string of superficial encounters? Not all of them are happy, for sure.

  • If that's you in your avatar David I don't think you're ugly at all.  You have that rustic wild man look going on, but you have a kind face too.  There'll be women out there who appreciate that, you just have to meet them somehow.

  • To be honest, these days, it may be more cost effective and rewarding to just pay for what you want, when you want it.

  • these days the key is money.

  • Hi David

    I'm sorry that your life isn't the way you want it.      How can you change things?   How can you meet people in the middle of nowhere?    There's an old saying - there's a lock for every key.   Smiley