New here.

  1. Hi, I'm new here. I'm recently diagnosed, late in life. Still processing it all. 
  • Hi Just Me

    Welcome aboard - is there anything we can help with?     It's going to take time to accept who you are - I was married with a job and a child before I ended up diagnosed-  that's a lot to reprocess Smiley

    How are you managing?

  • I'm managing OK right now. I'd suspected I was autistic for quite a while, so it wasn't a shock, more like a relief. I'm trying to decide who, if anyone, to tell.  I don't work, so I don't need to think about that. I've told my partner but I'd already discussed the possibility with them beforehand, so it wasn't a surprise. But I'm in no hurry. I'm still getting "so THAT'S why that happened!" moments. 

  • I'm managing OK right now. I'd suspected I was autistic for quite a while, so it wasn't a shock, more like a relief. I'm trying to decide who, if anyone, to tell.  I don't work, so I don't need to think about that. I've told my partner but I'd already discussed the possibility with them beforehand, so it wasn't a surprise. But I'm in no hurry. I'm still getting "so THAT'S why that happened!" moments. 

  • Yes - you'll end up reprocessing your whole life - try not to get upset with yourself if you notice you've been manipulated and used by people in the past - we're all bad at spotting it beforehand.

    Are you looking carefully at stress / anxiety management?    It's our downfall as we get older - our ability to deal with it and sleep it off diminishes with age so you need to actively look at relaxation and fun things to rest your mind when it gets bound up with anxiety.

    I've found the best things are childish hobbies like Lego where you can lose yourself in another world.

    It's good your partner is on board - you can find ways to have a fun life together - with low stress!  Smiley