New here.

  1. Hi, I'm new here. I'm recently diagnosed, late in life. Still processing it all. 
  • Hi Just Me

    Welcome aboard - is there anything we can help with?     It's going to take time to accept who you are - I was married with a job and a child before I ended up diagnosed-  that's a lot to reprocess Smiley

    How are you managing?

  • Hi Just Me

    Welcome aboard - is there anything we can help with?     It's going to take time to accept who you are - I was married with a job and a child before I ended up diagnosed-  that's a lot to reprocess Smiley

    How are you managing?

  • I'm managing OK right now. I'd suspected I was autistic for quite a while, so it wasn't a shock, more like a relief. I'm trying to decide who, if anyone, to tell.  I don't work, so I don't need to think about that. I've told my partner but I'd already discussed the possibility with them beforehand, so it wasn't a surprise. But I'm in no hurry. I'm still getting "so THAT'S why that happened!" moments.