Wrong diagnosis

Hi, I was diagnosed with aspergers as an adult ten years ago.

Long story short, married to a narcissist for twenty years who convinced me to be assessed, I went along with it thinking it would make life easier and she would change, only to be unceremoniously divorced.

I am very successful,  I run a growing  company, I manage complicated and convoluted bookings, dates and appointments, meet and deal with hundreds and thousands of people a year, executives, producers and such, I write professionally, I perform professionally on stage and more. I am functional at home,think about my family's needs, make sure my kids have what they need, make sure my friends are okay, care about others, interested in them and their feelings. 

I don't think these are autistic traits.

Is there anyone here who can point me in the direction of someone who can reassess me?

  • Hi NAS72933,

    Thank you for sharing this with us, Regarding the reassessment, you may want to look at our information about autism spectrum disorders:


    If you were interested in finding out if you are on the autism spectrum, you would need to have a formal diagnostic assessment. You may find it useful to have a look at the following link for further information about diagnosis and the benefits of getting one:


    Furthermore, it is important the professional you see has experience of autism spectrum disorders. You can find details of diagnostic services on our Autism Services Directory in the Assessment and diagnosis section: http://www.autism.org.uk/directory.aspx

    If you have further questions, you may like to contact our Autism Helpline team. They can provide you with information and advice about getting a diagnosis. You can call them on 0808 800 4104 (Monday to Friday 10 am to 3 pm. Please note that the Helpline is experiencing a high volume of calls and it may take a couple of attempts before you get through to speak to an adviser.

    Hope this helps.

    Kindest regards,

    Eunice Mod

  • I've seen a few petitions about autism and the army - if there's an active one it might be worth people signing it - for the benefit of others, even if not needed in this situation.

  • Thanks Aidie,

    Yes I have applied as an officer, so I do believe I should be able to contest. My recruiting WO is right on my side, well, of course he is.  I scored 57 on BARB (not bad considering the kids kept disturbing me - even though they knew they should leave me alone) and as a post graduate, should have some skills they want.

    I have been attending my ARC regularly, training is brilliant, I love it, its like being back in cadets, but this time for real. Have already made some amazing friends and would hate to say goodbye.

    Thank you for your brilliant response, it's just what I needed to hear.

  • try this helpline, 

    You may like to contact our Autism Helpline team who can provide you with information and advice.


    You can call them on 0808 800 4104 (Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm.Please note that the Helpline is experiencing a high volume of calls and it may take a couple of attempts before you get through to speak to an adviser.

    All the best,

  • tell them it is a mistake ---- i mean put a sentence in your application saying u believe the diagnosis to be wrong and you declare yourself as not autistic. It is up the units/regiments involved if they want to take u or not.  Some regiments cant get certain skills and if u have one they need they will try their best to get u in. So ask for an informal chat. Strings can be pulled.

    Army recruitment give loads of people some  "benefit of the doubt".  eg would take in unfit ( physically & mentally) recruits,/teenagers of all sorts and have them running around all day long weeks before training began. They would be given a weight loss\fitness plan and if they stick to it and can take instructors on a firing range and from superiors they can stay.

    i am talking at private soldier level  maybe you are thinkin of officer level in which case I can say very little.

  • I think you can still have Asperger's despite your success, you're clearly very high functioning.

  • It's not really my place to tell you how to post on here but I feel you're always apologising for yourself - and there really is no need - your posts are your views and they're perfectly valid - have faith in yourself!  Smiley   Be Strong!  (and you don't need to shut up now    Smiley )

  • I think they do that because they don't all understand us and I'm sure you've heard the saying "They fear what they don't understand". That's why we don't always get treated the same level of decency we should. I know there are things that I'm not good at, some are because of my autism and some are because it's just because of my personality (which can often cross over with my autism and that's hard to pinpoint sometimes).

  • Are you saying forgiving of this post or of my comments about the post - or both?!

  • Hi Adele - I wouldn't be too concerned about little details - there's no need to worry like you do - forums are places where it's safe to be unconventional - people are much more forgiving than you think..  Smiley

  • We can ALWAYS do EVERYTHING better than NT people, O. They have always been terrified of us and of losing their societal power. Why do you think they have always tried to oppress us, write us off and keep us down? 

  • Ok.  If you look underneath your thread, there are related posts - if you change the title of your post, different ones will come up - like you could put in "Getting diagnosis removed" maybe? - and see what other people have been told. But someone might be able to recommend a specialist on your post.  I'll shut up now!

  • After twenty years of marriage to a very nasty person

    We tend to be easy prey for users and manipulators.

  • A great example is Elon Musk there was a post half an hour ago and Elon Musk finally admitted he has Aspergers and look at what he has achieved, and on a monumental scale. He has a wife, a child, multiple billion dollar companies.

    Sometimes us autistics can do things that normal NT can't, AS A RESULT OF OUR AUTISM. Don't think that because you're autistic you shouldn't be able to do certain things, a lot of the time there are things we can do a hundred times better than NT people.


  • Not trolling, far from it. I have put in for army reserve and it turns out they don't like to take in people with asperger's diagnosis. 

    And as I said, I don't believe I am asd. 

    After twenty years of marriage to a very nasty person I was in a very bad head space - I challenge anyone to survive that long in the company of a manipulative and sociopathic narcissist and come out unscathed! I am now eight years in a relationship with the most amazing woman I have ever known, it has made me think long and hard about the events leading up to it.

    I am a qualified teacher, educated, and there is no way I would ever troll a group of people I care deeply about. I apologise if I offended you.

    I even have aspergers employees and helpers and I support them and help them build their confidence etc.

    I had forgotten about it until my GP went through my Army medical paperwork.

    I just want to see if anyone here knows of a specialist I can go to, not here to cause offence.

  • I f this continues to trouble you, I would just ask your GP if you can be reassessed - I don't think people will take kindly to this post as it could possibly be trolling in disguise - you might want to edit it.

  • I think you will find that autistic people care about others and are interested in them and their feelings!