
Hello. I'm new here, been on the spectrum all my life and now in mid 20s and finding it really hard. I can't hold down a job. I struggle with loud noises and I'm pregnant so a bit worried about the baby in case I'm a rubbish mum. Another problem is that people use me and bully me and no one wants to help me. I have a counselor but he's not very helpful. I have a lot of issues and I'm worried in case I'm not good enough for my baby. 

  • Hi HappyEleanor and welcome to the community! 

    Sorry to hear that you are having a hard time at the moment. For the job stuff, can I suggest this part of our website: https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/employment/seeking-work 

    Also, here are some other organisations who may be able to help: 

    The British Association of Supported Employment, who have a database of supported employment agencies, so you can search for one in your local area: www.base-uk.org 

    Remploy, an organisation which supports people with disabilities and those experiencing complex barriers to work, into mainstream employment: www.remploy.co.uk 

    https://myplusstudentsclub.com/  is also a good website to look at. It is a site on which employers advertise their opportunities for people with disabilities and they also provide information about disability and inclusive practices within their organisations. This is a good way to identify companies which will be keen to put in place reasonable adjustments for interviews and throughout employment. 

    I have also included a link to our job-page – https://www.autism.org.uk/get-involved/work-for-us  Within this page you can click on our job and volunteering page to find out about our current employment and volunteering opportunities with The National Autistic Society. We particularly welcome applications from autistic people. 

    Volunteering can often be a good way to gain relevant experience and skills for future employment. Your local volunteer centre may be able to assist with finding a volunteer placement. You can search for volunteer placements on https://do-it.org/ 

    Hope this helps!



  • awww. sounds like things are very hard for you right now..... i'm also on the spectrum and also at the moment am not able to work and find loud noises stressful. so your definetly not alone. i also have been bullied and that's also very upsetting. regarding the baby, it sounds like your someone who deeply cares a lot - and that's what makes a great mum and i have full confidence in you! i can't think of any particular advice but i want to say keep going, as this hard period will pass!

    btw as someone on the spectrum i can say completely the wrong thing so if i have, don't take it personally, it's part of my autism.......

  • Hi there. Welcome to the forum. Sorry you are finding things hard at the moment. I have two children and found it hard bringing them up, but it's about not feeling you have to be super mum. I found a few people to support me and stayed away from most people - or they stayed away from me. 

    When is your baby due? Do you have some time to help get yourself into a better place before your baby arrives. Do you have a local perinatal mental health service? They can be really useful to get you more support before your baby arrives and also after they have arrived. I had six weeks in a perinatal mental health unit after my second child, which was scary at the time but really helped me get through it. Like Aidie has mentioned, I hope you have some support at home.

    Take care of yourself and your baby.

  • Hello and welcome again to this forum Slight smile

    You will be a great mum, the hormones in you will make sure of that.

    do u have a partner or a mum ?