Functioning Labels - Open Discussion

Hey Everyone,

I'm curious to know what your thoughts are on functioning labels I see a lot of videos and posts on various social media pages. That are of the view that are a bad thing that segregates people within the autistic community. To be honest I'm not sure how I feel about it, I'm not sure I care enough to pass judgment on the topic. I do understand the purpose of them because there are autistic that can live independently with minimal to no help from all the way up to people that need full time round the clock care and everyone in-between.

I would never judge or treat any autistic person differently if they were for example nonverbal vs someone like myself who would be considered high functioning. I guess I just don't necessarily understand why there seems to be a of distaste towards functioning labels.


  • The general thing most people get upset or angry about is who gets to call who high, medium or low functioning ~ regarding each other's personal abilities, when the actual criteria is how socially impaired one is and how much social support one needs.

  • who gets to call who high, medium or low functioning

    It's pretty obvious in most cases - one only has to attend autism social groups to see the dynamics and who will need more support compared to others.

  • who gets to call who high, medium or low functioning

    It's pretty obvious in most cases - one only has to attend autism social groups to see the dynamics and who will need more support compared to others.

    Of course yes when it comes to social groups involving in-person 'person-to-person' interactions, whereas on the internet it can be a very different state of affairs ~ such as for instance the most capable writers and advisors being very much indeed socially and physically disabled, and when people who are socially caustic get really jealous and frustrated about the other person's popularity and support from others on the website ~ quite malicious insults about high and low functioning can ensue with loads of people getting caught up in argumentative firestorms of fury through however many threads.

    Yikes! :-(

  • Sorry - I get confused by the way you lay out your posts - I find it very hard to read with the disjointed and multiple quotes, lines, comments, bold and regular type all together.

    Apology so not required ~ I was enjoying the discussion with you and was only surprised and question mark over head for moment, if you would like to continue on with it as a discussion, I very much enjoy different perspectives on things, but only in the sense of each perspective being like as if one of the four rectangular or two of the square sides of a cuboid, in the integral sense of what is being discussed.  

    I have never though had much or any interest in the modernised ego-cult misnomers of debates ~ where someone or some group is arguing to be right and prove the other wrong, but rather where everybody increases and more integrates their sense of knowledge, understanding and comprehension, with problems having become solutions or discussions to be continued. 

    Regarding the "disjointed" thing of my posts ~ it involves in part converting written monologues into written dialogues, as practice for socially reciprocated exchanges verbally.

    For the main part though ~ the "disjointed" thing involves the 'fragmentations' of my mind that give multitudinous perspectives and points of view, due to stress induced seizures from the age of 3, and bullying induced Schizotypal Personal Disorder from the age of 11 going on 12 ~ so in a 'Me, Myself and I' sense (rather than the schizophrenic Rod, Jane and Freddy sense) it is actually like a busy cloned geek convention in my body here, so perhaps be glad you only get the summary highlights, and the abridged versions at that!

    The "quotation" thing involves being unable to recollect like I can verbally the actual statements written due to dysgraphia (with symbols morphing in my mind like with B becoming 8 and 6 becoming 9 etcetera, etcetera, etcetera), so being able to refer to each word, sentence or paragraph actually as written just above ~ is so very much easier than scrolling up and down again and again repeatedly between the post and reply boxes, with transformations aplenty.

    Regarding the "bold type" problem ~ sorted. I always used to by hand write quoted text in a different colour or bold for ease of reference, and on the internet using bold text to represent original authorship as being prominent and mine not so prominent ~ much like on this site's quotations with the bold left-side border-strip. 

  • Sorry - I get confused by the way you lay out your posts - I find it very hard to read with the disjointed and multiple quotes, lines, comments, bold and regular type all together.

  • "How very dare you ~ you exepleting this, that and the other; lording your higher functioning superiority over those of us with lower functioning autism for being inferior with our understanding of others, and that we should be prepared to get hurt ~ on a blood-covered support website for vulnerable Autistic people!!! Expleting get a grip you expleting so and so!!!"  

    I can't tell if you're being serious or not - if you are, then you're complaining about not being able to walk by a pride of Lions and how dare they eat you. 

    Yes I am being entirely serious ~ but your ideological map is not the sociological territory I am describing to you.

    I have just been describing other perspectives that have had relevance for other people, and the consequential realities that were involved for them.

    This has not been an argument about your perspective nor either a complaint, keeping in mind that the topic of this thread is "Functioning Labels - Open Discussion" and this is what I have been "discussing" with you in terms of what I have borne witness to.

    My sincere apologies for giving any impression that this discussion was anything other than objective observation and comparison involving past events. :-)

  • "How very dare you ~ you exepleting this, that and the other; lording your higher functioning superiority over those of us with lower functioning autism for being inferior with our understanding of others, and that we should be prepared to get hurt ~ on a blood-covered support website for vulnerable Autistic people!!! Expleting get a grip you expleting so and so!!!"  

    I can't tell if you're being serious or not - if you are, then you're complaining about not being able to walk by a pride of Lions and how dare they eat you.   Don't they know you're low functioning?     Someone should force Lions to know they are not allowed to attack you.      Oh,,and to not be Lions.

    How dare these high functioning people have the sense to avoid the situation.    It's so unfair.    

    There's a real world out there.   The very best parents can do is prepare their children to avoid danger - and these days, that's a little more effort that The Tufty Club.

    Humans are the top apex predator.   No amount of wishing people would be nice is going to change that.       Pretending people are 'evolved' doesn't make it so.

    And banning people pointing it out seems to be somewhat ostrich-like.

  • But it's the internet - and it's all written words so it's impossible to get across all the intended meanings and people take things the wrong way - often intentionally - there's always going to be professional victims, white knights, trolls and the rest of the typical flora and fauna hanging around a forum.

    Well for those that become the target for other people's verbal or also physical abuse ~ as the most consistent theme of their education, it is hardly surprising that normalised abuse involves persecutors, victims and saviours as social careers. 
    It is important to add I feel that the social persecutor, victim and saviour roles are compulsive disorders involving unconscious, subconscious and preconscious drivers ~ as being Post Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms ~ that can take anything from a couple of months to a couple of decades to reign in, otherwise therapeutically it's supportive management.

    I feel sorry for the people who are less internet-savvy and feel it's all real and take it all seriously.

    It's a good reflection of society irl - if you choose to take part, prepare to get hurt. 

    Well, for the hypersensitive, i.e., still 'red' raw and psychologically and physiologically traumatised and volatile ~ that is the particular type of response that some people tend to react somewhat strongly to, with the following being a summative paraphrase of the sort:
    "How very dare you ~ you exepleting this, that and the other; lording your higher functioning superiority over those of us with lower functioning autism for being inferior with our understanding of others, and that we should be prepared to get hurt ~ on a blood-covered support website for vulnerable Autistic people!!! Expleting get a grip you expleting so and so!!!"  
    And then happens all the stuff with people getting tribal on the 'How-very-dare-they!' and the 'Just-get-real-dismissive!' sides of things, with people either observing, following, supporting or engaging with the angry or upset exchanges, and moderators having to lock threads, delete posts and entire threads with community members getting banned, ending their memberships, dying from the stress of it all, or committing suicide. 
    Hence me stating, "Yikes!"
    The main difficulties of course are literal all or nothing black or white thinking, post traumatic stress disorder generated interpretative bias, and difficulty or inability in conceptualising other people's psychological thought systems.
    People often forget to appreciate this, and hence when it gets argumentative, everyone involved I feel should be able to post one of these:

    Which I think is entirely appropriate given the nature of being on the autistic spectrum ~ and having social interaction, imagination and communication difficulties, to whichever extent and whatever degree.


  • But it's the internet - and it's all written words so it's impossible to get across all the intended meanings and people take things the wrong way - often intentionally - there's always going to be professional victims, white knights, trolls and the rest of the typical flora and fauna hanging around a forum.

    Well for those that become the target for other people's verbal or also physical abuse ~ as the most consistent theme of their education, it is hardly surprising that normalised abuse involves persecutors, victims and saviours as social careers. 
    It is important to add I feel that the social persecutor, victim and saviour roles are compulsive disorders involving unconscious, subconscious and preconscious drivers ~ as being Post Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms ~ that can take anything from a couple of months to a couple of decades to reign in, otherwise therapeutically it's supportive management.

    I feel sorry for the people who are less internet-savvy and feel it's all real and take it all seriously.

    It's a good reflection of society irl - if you choose to take part, prepare to get hurt. 

    Well, for the hypersensitive, i.e., still 'red' raw and psychologically and physiologically traumatised and volatile ~ that is the particular type of response that some people tend to react somewhat strongly to, with the following being a summative paraphrase of the sort:
    "How very dare you ~ you exepleting this, that and the other; lording your higher functioning superiority over those of us with lower functioning autism for being inferior with our understanding of others, and that we should be prepared to get hurt ~ on a blood-covered support website for vulnerable Autistic people!!! Expleting get a grip you expleting so and so!!!"  
    And then happens all the stuff with people getting tribal on the 'How-very-dare-they!' and the 'Just-get-real-dismissive!' sides of things, with people either observing, following, supporting or engaging with the angry or upset exchanges, and moderators having to lock threads, delete posts and entire threads with community members getting banned, ending their memberships, dying from the stress of it all, or committing suicide. 
    Hence me stating, "Yikes!"
    The main difficulties of course are literal all or nothing black or white thinking, post traumatic stress disorder generated interpretative bias, and difficulty or inability in conceptualising other people's psychological thought systems.
    People often forget to appreciate this, and hence when it gets argumentative, everyone involved I feel should be able to post one of these:

    Which I think is entirely appropriate given the nature of being on the autistic spectrum ~ and having social interaction, imagination and communication difficulties, to whichever extent and whatever degree.


  • Sorry - I get confused by the way you lay out your posts - I find it very hard to read with the disjointed and multiple quotes, lines, comments, bold and regular type all together.

    Apology so not required ~ I was enjoying the discussion with you and was only surprised and question mark over head for moment, if you would like to continue on with it as a discussion, I very much enjoy different perspectives on things, but only in the sense of each perspective being like as if one of the four rectangular or two of the square sides of a cuboid, in the integral sense of what is being discussed.  

    I have never though had much or any interest in the modernised ego-cult misnomers of debates ~ where someone or some group is arguing to be right and prove the other wrong, but rather where everybody increases and more integrates their sense of knowledge, understanding and comprehension, with problems having become solutions or discussions to be continued. 

    Regarding the "disjointed" thing of my posts ~ it involves in part converting written monologues into written dialogues, as practice for socially reciprocated exchanges verbally.

    For the main part though ~ the "disjointed" thing involves the 'fragmentations' of my mind that give multitudinous perspectives and points of view, due to stress induced seizures from the age of 3, and bullying induced Schizotypal Personal Disorder from the age of 11 going on 12 ~ so in a 'Me, Myself and I' sense (rather than the schizophrenic Rod, Jane and Freddy sense) it is actually like a busy cloned geek convention in my body here, so perhaps be glad you only get the summary highlights, and the abridged versions at that!

    The "quotation" thing involves being unable to recollect like I can verbally the actual statements written due to dysgraphia (with symbols morphing in my mind like with B becoming 8 and 6 becoming 9 etcetera, etcetera, etcetera), so being able to refer to each word, sentence or paragraph actually as written just above ~ is so very much easier than scrolling up and down again and again repeatedly between the post and reply boxes, with transformations aplenty.

    Regarding the "bold type" problem ~ sorted. I always used to by hand write quoted text in a different colour or bold for ease of reference, and on the internet using bold text to represent original authorship as being prominent and mine not so prominent ~ much like on this site's quotations with the bold left-side border-strip. 

  • Sorry - I get confused by the way you lay out your posts - I find it very hard to read with the disjointed and multiple quotes, lines, comments, bold and regular type all together.

  • "How very dare you ~ you exepleting this, that and the other; lording your higher functioning superiority over those of us with lower functioning autism for being inferior with our understanding of others, and that we should be prepared to get hurt ~ on a blood-covered support website for vulnerable Autistic people!!! Expleting get a grip you expleting so and so!!!"  

    I can't tell if you're being serious or not - if you are, then you're complaining about not being able to walk by a pride of Lions and how dare they eat you. 

    Yes I am being entirely serious ~ but your ideological map is not the sociological territory I am describing to you.

    I have just been describing other perspectives that have had relevance for other people, and the consequential realities that were involved for them.

    This has not been an argument about your perspective nor either a complaint, keeping in mind that the topic of this thread is "Functioning Labels - Open Discussion" and this is what I have been "discussing" with you in terms of what I have borne witness to.

    My sincere apologies for giving any impression that this discussion was anything other than objective observation and comparison involving past events. :-)

  • "How very dare you ~ you exepleting this, that and the other; lording your higher functioning superiority over those of us with lower functioning autism for being inferior with our understanding of others, and that we should be prepared to get hurt ~ on a blood-covered support website for vulnerable Autistic people!!! Expleting get a grip you expleting so and so!!!"  

    I can't tell if you're being serious or not - if you are, then you're complaining about not being able to walk by a pride of Lions and how dare they eat you.   Don't they know you're low functioning?     Someone should force Lions to know they are not allowed to attack you.      Oh,,and to not be Lions.

    How dare these high functioning people have the sense to avoid the situation.    It's so unfair.    

    There's a real world out there.   The very best parents can do is prepare their children to avoid danger - and these days, that's a little more effort that The Tufty Club.

    Humans are the top apex predator.   No amount of wishing people would be nice is going to change that.       Pretending people are 'evolved' doesn't make it so.

    And banning people pointing it out seems to be somewhat ostrich-like.