Planes and prostitutes.

Made you look.

Hi I am a star wars and genesis fan. I’ve been lurking on this site for about three years, since I got my diagnosis. I’m not looking for friends just like minded people with similar tips they can share. I’ve made a few posts that I hope will help someone.

Where do the planes come into this. Well I had this bad dream, oh no not another dream thread.

It started with planes flying over my parents house. Big oversized Hercules planes. When I walked out of my parents house the planes.started to crash around the house. Not on the house but in the fields around the house. The loss of life made me sad. I and a second team went behind the house to see what was going on. I came to a wooded area where a German bomber plane had crashed. A dead German pilot crashed to the ground from one of the trees. A second dead pilot crashed on top of the prostitutie lying behind the house. She needless to say was miffed. The second team came round from the other side of house with, Johnathan Ross as their leader. I the woke up.

I don’t know what this all meant but I suspect that is to do with my father’s trip into hospital. He went in with one life threatening problem and came out diagnosed with two to three more. With COVID being a problem I can’t see him being treated in the near future.

What do I make of this, I can feel strong emotion and empathy even in my dreams.

  • What do I make of this, I can feel strong emotion and empathy even in my dreams.

    When we sleep, our brains are still active and they string together random fragments from our memories and imagination to create dreams. And that's it. There's no inherent purpose or meaning to our dreams other than they can tell us about our mental state; our brain is more likely to create bad dreams when we are in a state of anxiety or we are depressed.

    Anyone who claims to be able to read our dreams, or who claims to be able to interpret the symbolism of our dreams is a charlatan and belongs in the same category as those who practice astrology and other nebulous pseudo-sciences. 

  • Thanks for your interpretation of my dream. I think your are right and it all revolves around me to a certain extent. I think it also revolves around my support networks. My outlaws and in-laws are getting old and frail Life is finally catching up with them. I am a only child and have no peers to go to for advice. Support networks are crashing down.

    it is not all doom and gloom. My wife is stepping up to the mark, and being the families rock.

    Exploring the prostitutes anger, I think it is another side of me as it were. I have anger with the way it all unfolded last week and wondering why my life is changing.

    Hopefully this week will be different and I can feel better with life.

  • Thanks for the tip. I may have had this dream to tie up some lose intrusive thoughts  I had last week.

    I feel that the dream is more emotional than I have ever had before and cannot process it or ignore it. I need to take the weight off it and purge it before I can move on.  

    A reply to lezenny and then I think I can have closure.

  • Hehehe.  I prefer to take dreams as amusing and potentially useful information.  I view them as the mind trying to figure out new combinations of information and ideas and come up with new insights.  The thing, is in the end, dreams are always about you.  They are not about your parents in themselves, but certainly about how you experience what is happening with your father / parents.  You could see the imagery as representing your concerns that they are under siege with destruction and disorder coming close.  Of course dreams can be very emotional, its useful to explore what the emotional content is.  I know I always dream much more vividly, randomly, and bizarrely when I am anxious, as my brain tries to find resolutions to the internal sense of threat.

  • dont take dreams too seriously. They are usually just your mind getting rid of data it doesn't need.  Thats what a psychologist friend once told me. He also explained that you shouldn't be  talking about a dream because u are re-introducing the information your mind is processing out   Not sure how accurate his advice was but I never pay attention to dreams ever since his advice.