
Hello, I am new here!

I am Alexandrine, 33yo, living in Oxford. Occupations are Electrical design engineer in the research for nuclear fusion energy and local politician.

I have been diagnosed last year. My special interests are activism to set the world right, video games, and medical stuff.

Still a bit struggling with acceptance, kinda sad to not be able to fit it as I am very aware of my difficulty and it has a toll on my mental health. Working from home has been a blessing but social events on Zoom are a harsh reminder of reality. But that's life I guess. 

Anyway, happy to be in touch with whoever want to ! Slight smile

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  • He's probably talking about a Tesla Coil - lots of high voltage sparks - very steam-punk! Smiley

    The stuff I was playing with uses vacuums better than space and magnetic fields larger than the Earth's and Mega-Watt power supplies.   Proper Big Boy's Toys!  Smiley

  • I think he may have tried to make a mini one of those at some point. He asked me to take him to b&q and Maplins so he could buy a load of stuff that sounds vaguely similar to springs / coils / accelerator - I'll ask him and get back to you Slight smile

  • What's a cyclotron

    It's a compact accelerator that uses an expanding spiral principle rather than the big ring (a synchrotron) so the 35-miles of accelerator tube can be coiled into a small space that fits into a single room - with 2-metre thick walls of super-dense concrete.   

  • Ha, no, unfortunately not, but he learned a lot about how to disassemble and reassemble electrical items from our local dump - TVs, dvd players, video recorder, etc And he used a lot of tape Slight smile i took him to see the Hadron Collider in Geneva, but he was only 8 and they wouldn't let him actually go down to it frustratingly, so we had to satisfy ourselves with the planetarium and the visitors gift shop! Maybe we'll go back one day Slight smile What's a cyclotron?

  • Did he succeed?   Smiley      I used to run cyclotrons - if you want to full-on 'mad scientist' stuff, I was surrounded by it all!   Smiley