
Hello, I am new here!

I am Alexandrine, 33yo, living in Oxford. Occupations are Electrical design engineer in the research for nuclear fusion energy and local politician.

I have been diagnosed last year. My special interests are activism to set the world right, video games, and medical stuff.

Still a bit struggling with acceptance, kinda sad to not be able to fit it as I am very aware of my difficulty and it has a toll on my mental health. Working from home has been a blessing but social events on Zoom are a harsh reminder of reality. But that's life I guess. 

Anyway, happy to be in touch with whoever want to ! Slight smile

Parents Reply
  • What's a cyclotron

    It's a compact accelerator that uses an expanding spiral principle rather than the big ring (a synchrotron) so the 35-miles of accelerator tube can be coiled into a small space that fits into a single room - with 2-metre thick walls of super-dense concrete.   

  • He's probably talking about a Tesla Coil - lots of high voltage sparks - very steam-punk! Smiley

    The stuff I was playing with uses vacuums better than space and magnetic fields larger than the Earth's and Mega-Watt power supplies.   Proper Big Boy's Toys!  Smiley

  • I think he may have tried to make a mini one of those at some point. He asked me to take him to b&q and Maplins so he could buy a load of stuff that sounds vaguely similar to springs / coils / accelerator - I'll ask him and get back to you Slight smile