
Hello there, recently - diagnosed adult of 40. Lives alone, & that's most definitely best. Hello to people who probably know me on here, & the majority who don't. If you'd like to converse, that'd be good, but not required! 

Parents Reply Children
  • yea i have a defect reported against the IM  messenager. It works for about 2- 4 messages then u can see nothing. Talk later.  

  • Willing to talk on here as & when sir. I've given up on IM's.

  • the instant messager started to go wrong Disappointed I'll send an email tomorrow there is an issue there

  • it took 2 years before things started to change for me -- I couldnt really meditate well  it was Joko Beck who helped me to get it right . ( videos on Youtube as well ) As for the ASDA walk I need food. it is usually quite late so there are less ppl around & its a nice walk it overlooks a bay. Why cnt u leave the house ?. 

    I also read Beginners Mind, Zen Mind by Shunryu Suzuki which set the scene ( tough going hard to understand in places  I have to reread it again ) and Beck helped push me over ( she writes for westerners and communicates so well )

  • have you read anything by Charlotte Joko Beck ? she another one which really changed me  / helped me. 

  • Wow, that's impressive. As I'm a "reader" & not a "do-er", I've read a few mindfulness / meditation books: Pema Condron, Thích Nhất Hạnh, a few books on zazen, & I did a Sam Harris mindfulness course, but I didn't continue with it after 50 hours.

    I was waiting for something to happen, & I thought 50 consecutive days was enough. And I also admire you for going to ASDA. I can't always leave the house.