Why is this so hard?

Hi everyone.  

I'm almost 27 and I have had the first part of my assessment for a diagnosis, just waiting on the second part.   

I don't really know if I do have autism.  I think I do and so do my family but its something we have only started recognising over the past few years.   I'm really struggling to cope with a lot of things, especially as things are at the moment.   I'm particularly struggling with work because I don't know if I can or should talk to them about how I am.  I feel silly doing it when I don't have a diagnosis.  It's just really hard being me at the moment I guess.  

I had my first assessment at the start of July.  I was told I should get a diagnosis within 3 months but I haven't heard anything from them since.   Does anyone know anything I can do or anywhere I can turn?   I don't have any autistic friends to help me or guide me either.  

Thanks everyone.  Take care 

Slight smile

  • Hi, I have recently been diagnosed too. My work were aware of it for 2 years prior to me getting a diagnosis. I was struggling a lot with certain things and needed that extra support so I mentioned it. It isn’t silly at all to say something, the fact that you are going through an assessment currently means a lot so it shows your difficulties. My work turned around and said to me that even without the piece of paper saying I had a diagnosis, that it didn’t matter. Entirely up to you but hope this gives you something to think about :) 

  • What sort of thing did you say to them? I dont know how sort of.. detailed I'm expected to be as such.  If that makes sense.    And like I said to the comment above, I'm so scared I will tell them how I am (which is a major task for me, trying to explain how I feel. My anxiety doesnt cope well at all. Not sure if it's the same for you guys) and then I wont get a diagnosis in the end.  

    I've never been so lost and so confused in my life

    Thank you Slight smile

  • What sort of thing did you say to them? I dont know how sort of.. detailed I'm expected to be as such.  If that makes sense.    And like I said to the comment above, I'm so scared I will tell them how I am (which is a major task for me, trying to explain how I feel. My anxiety doesnt cope well at all. Not sure if it's the same for you guys) and then I wont get a diagnosis in the end.  

    I've never been so lost and so confused in my life

    Thank you Slight smile

  • It wasn’t easy by far but certain things have shown themselves at work, like having meltdowns when things change last minute, not being able to cope when I can’t plan ahead so it kind of came from those discussions. Admitted I had people who didn’t understand and accuse me of lying, but on the opposite side I had support from a lot of people, and I kept pushing for my rights. I would perhaps bullet point your difficulties to help, it depends on whether you can talk to someone well who you can trust? The person I didn’t think I could trust has been the most supportive surprisingly and that has helped me massively and I am now a valued member of staff. It just goes to show that some people can take it seriously and make the adjustments I need to help me succeed in my job. And I guess at the end of the day, that’s what you want, to be able to manage better and that’s a win win for all. 

  • I, like DreamGirl above me, was told by my work that they wouldn't do a great deal until I had my formal diagnosis. However, as they also mention, the fact that you're even waiting for a diagnosis shows that you don't operate in a "normal" way like other people (nor me - nor most people on this forum).

    I think if you just asked for a meeting with your line manager, even just a chat, but asked for it to be added to the record. You could just tell them the truth, almost as you have done in here. The only essential points would be that you're waiting for an assessment which you believe will result in a diagnosis and you'd like to discuss "reasonable adjustments" that could be made that will result in you fulfilling your role better.

    You could add as much extra detail as you would like but the above mentions the "essentials". If you keep a record of this conversation - date and time, bullet points etc. this could be useful for you down the line.