
A hoy hoy, fellow travellers down this long winding cow pat strewn road.

i was diagnosed with ASD at 50 last year after a life time of broken friendships, broken relationships and people saying "did he just say/do that?" 

I'm married with a grown up daughter and a seven year old daughter and live here in sunny Northern Ireland.

I'm struggling with it all, work especially, and can't seem to get the tone right. I have that classic 'treat everyone like you' attitude and people take what I say as inappropriate or insulting. I've always been like that and I never knew why. Now I know but I can't stop it. 

Can I ask...... does it get easier?

  • I also live in sunny Northern Ireland ! diag at same time in my life as you. ! My main issues are also in the office.   Does it get easier ??  Ja that is up to you !

     for me, yes, because I took up meditation ( Zen ). This helps me look at my thoughts and reduced my autistic relatd anxiety to the point it is almost gone. I am still autistic but now I dont  (over) react as fast ( and usually incorrectly ) to what I have incorrectly perceived as "inappropiate"/"wrong".   I also read books in and around Zen Buddhism and the Dao ( "the way" ). These also help introduce alternative thinking. I could go on but I'll stop. ( I have tons of free advice lol)

    oh yes practice laughing at yourself :)

    My diag. helped establish autism is in my family and to make this fact more known ( my family is dotted with suspects and I wanted to help those struggling in my family iin future generations dentify the issue quicker) 

    In short you can make it better and easier

    follow The Way :)

  • Hello , I have found life gets harder not easier. I too treat everyone the same. I struggle to treat people any other way. I've given up with the majority of people to be honest, their not nice 

  • That's the trouble I'm on the outside looking in. Good luck 

  • Hello, love your intro! Welcome here.

    I've read a few posts from people at a similar age who say it gets worse.. It made me pretty down.  So I'm after something like... 'OK so WHAT can make it better?' particularly at work where I'm treated as an outsider.  And I'm always having to straighten out some conflict or other that I just inadvertently made. Weary