
A hoy hoy, fellow travellers down this long winding cow pat strewn road.

i was diagnosed with ASD at 50 last year after a life time of broken friendships, broken relationships and people saying "did he just say/do that?" 

I'm married with a grown up daughter and a seven year old daughter and live here in sunny Northern Ireland.

I'm struggling with it all, work especially, and can't seem to get the tone right. I have that classic 'treat everyone like you' attitude and people take what I say as inappropriate or insulting. I've always been like that and I never knew why. Now I know but I can't stop it. 

Can I ask...... does it get easier?

  • I also live in sunny Northern Ireland ! diag at same time in my life as you. ! My main issues are also in the office.   Does it get easier ??  Ja that is up to you !

     for me, yes, because I took up meditation ( Zen ). This helps me look at my thoughts and reduced my autistic relatd anxiety to the point it is almost gone. I am still autistic but now I dont  (over) react as fast ( and usually incorrectly ) to what I have incorrectly perceived as "inappropiate"/"wrong".   I also read books in and around Zen Buddhism and the Dao ( "the way" ). These also help introduce alternative thinking. I could go on but I'll stop. ( I have tons of free advice lol)

    oh yes practice laughing at yourself :)

    My diag. helped establish autism is in my family and to make this fact more known ( my family is dotted with suspects and I wanted to help those struggling in my family iin future generations dentify the issue quicker) 

    In short you can make it better and easier

    follow The Way :)

  • I also live in sunny Northern Ireland ! diag at same time in my life as you. ! My main issues are also in the office.   Does it get easier ??  Ja that is up to you !

     for me, yes, because I took up meditation ( Zen ). This helps me look at my thoughts and reduced my autistic relatd anxiety to the point it is almost gone. I am still autistic but now I dont  (over) react as fast ( and usually incorrectly ) to what I have incorrectly perceived as "inappropiate"/"wrong".   I also read books in and around Zen Buddhism and the Dao ( "the way" ). These also help introduce alternative thinking. I could go on but I'll stop. ( I have tons of free advice lol)

    oh yes practice laughing at yourself :)

    My diag. helped establish autism is in my family and to make this fact more known ( my family is dotted with suspects and I wanted to help those struggling in my family iin future generations dentify the issue quicker) 

    In short you can make it better and easier

    follow The Way :)

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