
Hi everyone. I’m Simone from Surrey in UK. Just been diagnosed and very relieved .

is there anyone here who is specifically interested in religion?

I have Been fascinated with religion since the age of 11 when I attended Catholic school and preferred the tranquility of sitting in the chapel at school to get away from everyone and questioning the nuns on a daily basis . I have researched and explored almost every world religion.

anyone else have interest in religion?

  • I have a professional interest, as I teach RE at secondary level. I remember when I was younger I wanted to know about all of the religions there was to know. Having a sociology degree helped too. I find how people act fascinating. From the Abrahamic faiths I love Judaism for its rules based approach to life, and for Islam for its focus on a higher being, but my heart and mind will always be with Buddhism. So accepting and different to all the others.

  • Mostly through my interest in the Late Roman and Byzantine Empires, I have cross over interests in Christological disputes and heresies.

  • [spam removed by mod]

  • If anyone would ever stoop to properly explain such concepts as the Holy Trinity, i suppose it might be interesting .I was brought up in the system and I reckon it spat me out quite young, because I found it almost impossible to have their deliberately arcane faith. Right from Sunday school age, I've had the impression that I'm deliberately excluded because I tend to go looking for understanding rather than just 'accept' what others say is right

  • My current special interest is philosophy and Atheism. 

    Newton and Darwin, my two favourite Englishmen!

  • Hi there :) I also love religion, theology, communication and culture and have a particular interest in Islam :) 

  • Surrey eh? Very posh (I’m a poor neighbour next door in Hampshire). Religion interests me but I’m not religious. I find it interesting from an analytical perspective and love understanding why people hole the beliefs they do - it fascinates me :) Also as a history geek, I like to look at the influence of religion on certain historic themes. 

  • I studied theology at uni (not completed degree, last year was pure Christianity and I wasn't learning anything I didn't already know - importance of that piece of paper you get at the end wasn't something I understood at the time).

    My interest is more from an anthropological perspective, how cultures, conditioned behaviour, and perceptions evolve from one generation to the next.