A wild newbie appears!

Hello fellow Aspies Slight smile

I'm a 24 year old Autistic woman and it's only recently that I've really started to take my Autism into consideration. That's why I've joined this forum, in hopes of helping me understand it a lot more and also being able to relate to other people (something I struggle with!)

I also struggle when it comes to online communication. It feels like a chore to constantly keep up with it. I know a lot of other Autistic people find it's the best way for them to communicate, and I'm sort of hoping that's how it will be for me. Or at least, I hope to become better at it. :) 

So yeah, just wanted to introduce myself. Hope to be able to speak to lots of cool people and improve my online presence.

Peace out ^^

Parents Reply
  • She should have been grateful Bison graced her village! To be fair she gave him a kicking before he jumped in his elevator and gassed her.

    It's pure 80's cheese. Camp as hell. Have you ever seen Silent Night Deadly Night 2? It's a Christmas movie all should see! Well I'd imagine you'd enjoy it as much as I do!

    It should have won awards, but it still won my heart!
