Total dental extraction

Total dental extraction next Tuesday. Very anxious about it. Had originally wanted gas, but was persuaded not to due to the increased risk  of serious problems  occurring . Ultra worried over the pain factor. Memories of the last extraction when I got dry rot. Worst pain I've ever experienced. Even worse than the pain  from a broken femur  that went undetected for 7 weeks. 

It needs to be done so I can have a yearly infusion for osteoporosis.

  • Glad it all went ok.

  • Went better than expected. The only bit of major pain was my fault for not opening my mouth wide enough . Hence the dentist's instrument touched a lower tooth . That area hadn't  been numbed. They extracted the top teeth , and will extract the bottom teeth in August. The reason for not taking them all out in one  go is because I'm on a blood thinner for atrial fibrillation.

  • I believe that general anaesthesia with gas now has to be done in a hospital setting just in case something goes wrong.

  • Do they even do gas anymore?

  • "Nighty night for moi" Joy I will have to steal that one, but I have no idea how I'll be able to use it.

  • I don't mind having my teeth out, it's having them filled that I really don't like, I'd be quite happy to have all my teeth taken out and have dentures, providing the impressions were taken properly and a lot of them aren't.

    Hygenists are a nightmare too, they remind me of make-up counter ladies, not quite human and far to keen on inflicting pain! I've refused to see one ever since I came out of a session with one looking like I'd been punched in the face, the first time she insisted that it would heal up and be fine, but it wasn't, I had three treatments with her and ended up with sore and bleeding gums and loose teeth. I was persauded to see another one and he was ex RAF and seemed to forget that he couldn't give orders to civilians and got quite aggressive and hostile. Luckily my dentist asked me for feedback on him and I told him I wasn't happy and the guy didn't make it past his trial period.

  • Gosh that does sound scary but I'm sure you'll be fine. It's natural to be anxious anyone would be leading up to it but you're in safe hands, try not to worry too much.

    Is it possible for you to be sedated or put out? I was heavily sedated when I had my gums repaired as I kept having meltdowns and they couldn't work safely so it was nighty night for moi.

    I hope it all goes well when the day comes. Please let us know how you get on. 

  • Thanks for the advice. I was fast tracked for it via the local dental access centre.As well as the osteoporosis I'm also on apixaban,a blood thinner, for atrial fibrillation. I have to not take it the night before and the morning that it's being done.

  • I'm having a tooth capped on Friday.

    I had a load of these done as I have a number of big fillings that were starting to crumble after a few decades. It is always the root canal work that is the most uncomfortable part for me - ages spent with the mouth open gives jaw ache and dry lips get chapped if they forget to put some vasoline type product on them.

    I've never had pain with this sort of work though - I always take the local anaesthetic and if I get any twinges as they drill then ask for a top up - OK I may be a drooling monster for a while after but it beats getting pain while so vulnerable.

    For a big extraction job like is having, I would be asking for something like morphine on top of local anaesthetic to help be in a better mental state for the traumatic process since being put under isn't an option.

    This will depend on your reaction and addictive tendencies mind you - best to discuss with the doctor beforehand.

    The osteoperosis also means there is a greater chance of breaking the jaw during the extractions so I would hope they would be weakening the teeth to take them out in pieces rather than pulling them out in one go. Another conversation to have with the doctor to put your mind at rest.

    Good luck and I hope you find the right combo of drugs to zone out while they do the deed.

  • P.s  ASD = A Stupid Dentist  Grimacing

  • I had root canal work done 7 Months ago and i really did tell My Dentist afterwards that next time
    i will take My chances with Jack The Ripper.
    Needless to say, He never sent Me a Christmas card. 

  • Me tooRofl. Well, late 70s for me.

  • Last time I had gas was in the early 1970s.

  • I'll be having a local anaesthetic.  Already on up to 8 codeine a day(2 x4 daily) for leg pain. I'm not at all knowledgeable about codeine dosages. I do know my daughter has talked to the GP about higher strength codeine.  It's a far from ideal situation as like a lot of us with ASD I have chronic bowel problems.

  • Does your dentist do sedation? I had intravenous valium at one and something else at another practice, could you speak to both your dentist and GP about pain relief and maybe your local pharmacist could help too?

    I feel for you I really do, I hate going to the dentist, my teeth are in a terrible state because of a state licenced psychopath of a dentist I had as a child.

  • I'm having a tooth capped on Friday. I hate dentists. I've had three teeth removed in my lifetime and it took me a while to get over each one - almost like a shock reaction. I know what you mean about the gas. I had gas as a kid a few times, which has been shown to be mega dangerous but I wish they still did it!