Total dental extraction

Total dental extraction next Tuesday. Very anxious about it. Had originally wanted gas, but was persuaded not to due to the increased risk  of serious problems  occurring . Ultra worried over the pain factor. Memories of the last extraction when I got dry rot. Worst pain I've ever experienced. Even worse than the pain  from a broken femur  that went undetected for 7 weeks. 

It needs to be done so I can have a yearly infusion for osteoporosis.

  • Does your dentist do sedation? I had intravenous valium at one and something else at another practice, could you speak to both your dentist and GP about pain relief and maybe your local pharmacist could help too?

    I feel for you I really do, I hate going to the dentist, my teeth are in a terrible state because of a state licenced psychopath of a dentist I had as a child.

  • I'll be having a local anaesthetic.  Already on up to 8 codeine a day(2 x4 daily) for leg pain. I'm not at all knowledgeable about codeine dosages. I do know my daughter has talked to the GP about higher strength codeine.  It's a far from ideal situation as like a lot of us with ASD I have chronic bowel problems.

  • I'll be having a local anaesthetic.  Already on up to 8 codeine a day(2 x4 daily) for leg pain. I'm not at all knowledgeable about codeine dosages. I do know my daughter has talked to the GP about higher strength codeine.  It's a far from ideal situation as like a lot of us with ASD I have chronic bowel problems.

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