Total dental extraction

Total dental extraction next Tuesday. Very anxious about it. Had originally wanted gas, but was persuaded not to due to the increased risk  of serious problems  occurring . Ultra worried over the pain factor. Memories of the last extraction when I got dry rot. Worst pain I've ever experienced. Even worse than the pain  from a broken femur  that went undetected for 7 weeks. 

It needs to be done so I can have a yearly infusion for osteoporosis.

  • Went better than expected. The only bit of major pain was my fault for not opening my mouth wide enough . Hence the dentist's instrument touched a lower tooth . That area hadn't  been numbed. They extracted the top teeth , and will extract the bottom teeth in August. The reason for not taking them all out in one  go is because I'm on a blood thinner for atrial fibrillation.

  • Went better than expected. The only bit of major pain was my fault for not opening my mouth wide enough . Hence the dentist's instrument touched a lower tooth . That area hadn't  been numbed. They extracted the top teeth , and will extract the bottom teeth in August. The reason for not taking them all out in one  go is because I'm on a blood thinner for atrial fibrillation.
