Total dental extraction

Total dental extraction next Tuesday. Very anxious about it. Had originally wanted gas, but was persuaded not to due to the increased risk  of serious problems  occurring . Ultra worried over the pain factor. Memories of the last extraction when I got dry rot. Worst pain I've ever experienced. Even worse than the pain  from a broken femur  that went undetected for 7 weeks. 

It needs to be done so I can have a yearly infusion for osteoporosis.

  • Gosh that does sound scary but I'm sure you'll be fine. It's natural to be anxious anyone would be leading up to it but you're in safe hands, try not to worry too much.

    Is it possible for you to be sedated or put out? I was heavily sedated when I had my gums repaired as I kept having meltdowns and they couldn't work safely so it was nighty night for moi.

    I hope it all goes well when the day comes. Please let us know how you get on. 

  • Gosh that does sound scary but I'm sure you'll be fine. It's natural to be anxious anyone would be leading up to it but you're in safe hands, try not to worry too much.

    Is it possible for you to be sedated or put out? I was heavily sedated when I had my gums repaired as I kept having meltdowns and they couldn't work safely so it was nighty night for moi.

    I hope it all goes well when the day comes. Please let us know how you get on. 
