Constant stomach pain

I get a lot of stomach pain, generally at the top of my stomach though it occurs at the bottom of the abdomen as well. Basically all over though the top of the stomach feels hard and bloated 90% of the time. 

In the past I've had bloods and tests and everything came back normal. So I can at least be assured there is nothing life threateningly wrong with me. My GP suggested it be IBS and mostly associated with anxiety as I've got generalised anxiety disorder and am somewhat anxious most of the time.

I get a lot of belching as well and often worry about an ulcer, I have most of the symptoms, trouble is I've had a lot of tests etc and I know that all the symptoms I have are associated with anxiety... But still I worry.

The link between GI disorders and autism is extensive annoying. It stops me getting on in life and it's depressing with it. I don't suppose the continuous sugary drinks I have helps but a lot of it comes down to highly sensitive pain as well.

I miss the times where I used to have no stomach issues whatsoever and now it's more trying to ease any discomfort and stay as calm as possible.

A constant battle. Is this something anyone else relates with and has experienced?

  • This is apparently a thing. And even though I've got a system, it can still be a battle. 

    First, hydration is key. And it's about a pH balance, not just drinking water. The body needs some salt and healthy natural sugar to stay hydrated. Lemons can actually help rebalance hydration along with cranberry. Lemons are a sleuth digestive, they're not a harmful acid, but are surprisingly helpful.

    Exercise is also important. 

    Here's what I've researched & even though I've managed to get some things under control personally, I find our modern world is so quick to jump on the new 'fad' or economise anything that all sense goes out the window and there's little in public life I can consume.

    The Gut-brain axis. There are a load of studies now showing this is key to a different biology for Autism and ADHD. This affects the immune system and it seems to be responsible for Autistic biological anxiety. So, after looking at what anti anxiety medication will do vs anti depressants, it appears anti-anxiety actually helps solve the problem and anti-depressants make it worse.

    The brain blood barrier (BBB) - also a thing with autism. Good to look up.

    The issue with the gut has to do with bacteria we need to stay healthy and all kinds of things can off-set this from hormone disruptors to stress (even from caffeine) but the worst is sugar, so, for instance, search for Candida in the blood.

    Sometimes the best way to fix issues is by cutting out sugars, but not to oversimplify, it's a bit complex but worth looking into.

    The goal here is to build healthy microbiota in the gut. 

    Anti-inflammatory things are great, but I know a few individuals who've gotten kidney stones from not drinking enough water with extra C or turmeric, so it's important stay hydrated. 

    Over the years, I've never found a doctor who knows much about this, and I've been asking most of my life. So I've personally worked out something that seems to work. But recently I found that Covid can alter gut microbiota and cause problems with BBB, meaning potentially, making our issues worse. But maybe doctors somewhere will start taking this seriously.

    I take a mushroom "nootropics" complex daily with reishi and lions mane can help slowly boost or immune system and GABA (which anti-anxiety meds do in to a greater degree in a pinch). I've had to cut out all unnatural chemicals, sweeteners and most pre-packaged food. I started off just gluten free and eventually went FODMAP but I still have dairy - usually grass fed, organic and full fat and cheeses with good bacteria. However, I cannot digest any insoluble fibres and they cause a great deal of pain digesting milk if accidentally ingested. 

    I'd recommend finding what works for you, but, we are human & it does take a little disciplining the self to stay healthy... 

  • Definitely something I can relate to. I've had  stomach pain since early childhood it never got properly looked into (a GP prodded my stomach then told my mum I was faking it for attention) it stopped during the COVID quarantine when I wasn't so stressed all the time and it's not so regular now so I think for me at least it was caused by anxiety.

  • Hi thanks for the reply. Yeh I tried meditation but didn’t get a lot out of it. Fair enough if it works for you though. Yeh I can imagine it must be sore. Try and drink plenty of water that helps and eating fruit and exercising helps.

  • Yes, I've had IBS for many years, it's really unpleasant, I'm sorry you're struggling with it too. I'm doing quite well with it at the moment, it just flares up if I eat something that I shouldn't or if I get really anxious. For me it's affected by both anxiety and diet.

    In terms of diet it has been trial and error, I found that I can't eat onions, garlic, artificial sweeteners and beans. Bread and dairy aren't great for me either. It might be worth looking up low-FODMAP diet and discussing it with your GP or asking to see a dietitian. The other thing that I think has really helped me is reducing the amount of processed food and artificial additives in my diet, I swapped low fat margarine for proper butter, low fat yogurt for full fat plain yogurt and fizzy drinks for watered down fruit juice (although I try to avoid sweet drinks anyway). Please remember that I'm not an expert and can only say what worked for me, it was hard work and might not help everyone!

    Medication that I've found helpful are peppermint oil capsules or buscopan but I would check with your GP first.

    Reducing my anxiety helps too - avoid high sensory environments like shopping centres and busy towns, spend time doing relaxing things, I enjoy yoga, it's really helped me and I do some breathing exercises sometimes too. 

    Keep talking to your GP and I hope you find something that works for you soon.

  • I am not offering medical advice. I used to have non-specific stomach problems which I never went to the GP about as it seemed a normal part of life. I have since put it down to chronic anxiety. Since I have understood myself more (!) and made adjustments, the anxiety is less, these problems have settled. I also take lions mane and turmeric. Both of these are said to help with inflammation and LM helps with anxiety. I definitely have found benefits. Our brain and gut are intrinsically connected.

  • Fizzy drinks contain a lot of acid, mostly citric acid, and in the case of cola phosphoric acid as well. If you are drinking more than the a few cans a week then the acid might be contributing, if not causing, your gastric problems. Other routes to explore are food intolerances, these include intolerances to drinks as well.

  • Hi James. I'm very sorry that this is something you have to live and deal with as well. Have you found cutting out certain foods and drinks helpful? I'm still trying to limit my intake of sugary drinks but this is actually a lot more difficult than I first anticipated it would be. But I'm intent on doing this so still doing my best to cut down and eventually hopefully drink water instead.

    I have also read about how helpful meditation is so this is something else I am going to consider doing and my GP is recommending antidepressants which I will also think about trying as well.

    I hope today has been a great day for you with little to no pain. Slight smile

  • I'm really sorry that this is something you experience and struggle with. Have you found meditation helpful? This is something I've read about and a lot of people say it is helpful. I haven't tried it myself yet but it's something I'm interested to try and see if it helps. My GP has recommended I take antidepressants as well, I am considering doing so, if I do hopefully I'll find they help with the pain as yours do.

    Anything to reduce the pain would be nice as it is incredible uncomfortable to live with and deal with on a daily basis. I really wish high sensitivity to pain isn't something I have to deal with - no one should have to live like this. I'm sorry for us all.

  • Hi I'm sorry this is something you have struggled with as well. I know how much it can bring you down and I hope things are improving or will improve for you soon. The sugary drinks are definitely not helping matters, too much cola and Fanta, however I am trying to cut down on both and drink more water.

    My GP has recommended pain medication and antidepressants so I am considering giving this a go. Unfortunately I have bad anxiety when it comes to taking medication but it is reaching a point where I might actually need to take something to help me.

  • Yeh I get it too. Tests came back negative also. Not sure what it is. My antidepressants seem to help a lot though. So it’s good I’ve got those. There seems to be something about inflammation and autism from the research I’ve done. Antidepressants are somewhat anti inflammatory so may help you a bit. I also started taking turmeric which is a potent anti inflammatory herb so going to see if that helps as well. I was in a lot of pain with it yesterday but seems to have gone away now. Were you tested for inflammatory cytokines? 

  • Absolutely something I am able to relate to. So many symptoms, so many worries about ulcers and the likes, but the tests always came back negative. A lot of it will be stress and diet so those are what you should focus on, especially the sugary drinks as that will irritate your gastrointestinal system something rotten. Be sure to ask for pain medication if needed as well. You definitely are not alone with this believe me. Hang in there.

  • My sympathies , it's something that I continue to experience. I've cut down sugary drinks, and cut down a lot of food that I used to like.