Constant stomach pain

I get a lot of stomach pain, generally at the top of my stomach though it occurs at the bottom of the abdomen as well. Basically all over though the top of the stomach feels hard and bloated 90% of the time. 

In the past I've had bloods and tests and everything came back normal. So I can at least be assured there is nothing life threateningly wrong with me. My GP suggested it be IBS and mostly associated with anxiety as I've got generalised anxiety disorder and am somewhat anxious most of the time.

I get a lot of belching as well and often worry about an ulcer, I have most of the symptoms, trouble is I've had a lot of tests etc and I know that all the symptoms I have are associated with anxiety... But still I worry.

The link between GI disorders and autism is extensive annoying. It stops me getting on in life and it's depressing with it. I don't suppose the continuous sugary drinks I have helps but a lot of it comes down to highly sensitive pain as well.

I miss the times where I used to have no stomach issues whatsoever and now it's more trying to ease any discomfort and stay as calm as possible.

A constant battle. Is this something anyone else relates with and has experienced?

  • Definitely something I can relate to. I've had  stomach pain since early childhood it never got properly looked into (a GP prodded my stomach then told my mum I was faking it for attention) it stopped during the COVID quarantine when I wasn't so stressed all the time and it's not so regular now so I think for me at least it was caused by anxiety.

  • Definitely something I can relate to. I've had  stomach pain since early childhood it never got properly looked into (a GP prodded my stomach then told my mum I was faking it for attention) it stopped during the COVID quarantine when I wasn't so stressed all the time and it's not so regular now so I think for me at least it was caused by anxiety.

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