
Apparently breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It's meant to give you energy for the rest of the day ahead, very much needed for me as I'm always exhausted.

Do you eat breakfast? That's my question as I used to when I was little but in my teens my sensitivity to pain etc got a lot worse and now I have to be really careful what I eat as my GI problems and pain affect me greatly and it makes eating difficult especially in the morning.

I've taken to eating a cut up banana in the morning, it leaves my stomach aching after but I don't feel sick which is nice. Plus it's one of the five a day... So that can only mean goodness for the body I hope.

I wonder what the link is with GI problems and autism? I guess there is actually a link. I know a lot of members here struggle with food like I do so it can't just be coincidence.

  • I always stick to fruit and fibre as its a healthier option and i personally enjoy it seems to fill me up all day

  • I eat toast and whatever tastes good, i use to eat porridge but it was so bland tasteless unless honey and cinnamon, I found gluten free was pretty good also protein porridge protein shakes were pretty good keep you fuller for longer 

  • You never know. I used to always skip it, but things changed. 

  • My mum is like that she's got a cupboard kitted out with loads of different cereals, different ones for each day. She's always loved breakfast, whereas I take after my dad who never eats breakfast either and never has.

  • I am not naturally a breakfast person - I find waking up and starting the day very difficult and my stomach takes even longer.

    I'm like that - takes me an absolute age to get started in the mornings lol usually still just as tired as I was when I went to bed. And never in the mood for breakfast.

    I've been told by my doctor and my dietician to start eating breakfast but I really don't know whether I could stomach it. I doubt it. Most foods hurt.

    Apparently we should ideally have a savoury breakfast. They’ll probably decide that’s wrong too at some point.

    Most likely No mouth

  • Breakfast is the meal I have least anxiety about so I like it. I have half a cupboard full of different types of cereal and change it up a lot. 

  • I am not naturally a breakfast person - I find waking up and starting the day very difficult and my stomach takes even longer.

    But for the last year or two I’ve made an effort to have porridge or cereal in the morning.

    But recently I’ve been reading that they both cause a glucose spike that just makes you tired later in the day.

    Apparently we should ideally have a savoury breakfast. They’ll probably decide that’s wrong too at some point.

  • Blush

    She suggests I strike a perfect balance in my diet... Easier said than done though.

    Haha yeah

  • I know it's not a solution, but peppermint tea is quite soothing - I found this really helped my pain/upset stomach when I was really suffering. That and green tea. Chamomile is also a great choice for helping feel calm, which I like to have before bed. 

  • There is definitely a link somewhere with GI problems I think, what that is, I'm not sure. Doctor said I had IBS a few years back after I struggled with severe bloating and stomach pain after eating anything. 

    Currently this is one of my biggest problems as well. I get pain afterwards and sometimes nausea and acid reflux, very occasionally vomiting if I'm unlucky. I've had so many tests but nothing ever came back so it's assumed to be IBS and stress, linked with autism.

    I try to watch my diet to make sure I don't eat anything too triggering. I'm trying to cut out sugary foods and drinks as at the moment I consume way too much sugar and this makes it a lot worse.

  • OMG I love your PFP!!!! Nerd 

    Do you think eating habits could increase GI issues?

    I'm told by my dietician that your eating habits can increase GI discomfort and problems. She suggests I strike a perfect balance in my diet... Easier said than done though.

  • I never eat breakfast because eating too early makes my stomach hurt the rest of the day. Also I think most foods for breakfast taste bad anyway. 

    Do you think eating habits could increase GI issues? Like if someone only has a smaller selection of foods theyll eat (maybe even avoiding whole food groups) then that probably wouldnt be good for you. I dont know the connection though

    I love your PFP

  • I am on and off with eating breakfast - some days I'm not bothered, other days I will eat it because I'm very hungry. 

    I usually eat cheesy scrambled eggs as it's a good source of protein and then have a little pot of blueberries - keeps me full until lunch time. :-)

    There is definitely a link somewhere with GI problems I think, what that is, I'm not sure. Doctor said I had IBS a few years back after I struggled with severe bloating and stomach pain after eating anything. 

    I went through a period where I ate keto/carnivore diet, which oddly really helped my stomach problems (kind of like a hard reset) - FYI I'm not suggesting going on any diet, just sharing my experience. 

    Now, I'm gluten free and just stick to less processed food, more organic, animal-focused diet, which is good in protein and lots of greens. Have to say, I have a bit of an obsession with sweet potato and butternut squash at the moment - both are so yummy!!

    I wonder what the link is with GI problems and autism? I guess there is actually a link.

    May be worth looking into the Brain-Gut connection a bit more as there is science behind this.