Noise reduction earbuds/plugs

Hi, I work in a fairly busy and sometimes noisy environment. I often struggle with loud or high pitched sounds. 

I've been considering the likes of Loops etc. I'm basically looking for real world recommendations before I take the plunge.I need to be able to clearly hear conversations so basic plugs won't really be up to the job.


  • I use loop quiet earbuds at work, I work in a supermarket. They really do help. I’m half deaf in one ear though so I only need the one in the good ear lol using both though really does drown out noise very well. I’ve got 2 pairs of them. Highly recommend

  • I use the Loop 3-in-1 Switch... They're a bit pricey however have been lifechanging. Sometimes your employer may contribute/reimburse the cost so it's worth asking or requesting these through occupational health.

  • If you want to reduce the volume whilst hearing speech then loop engage are probably the best bet. You can also purchase an extra rubber ring to go into the middle if you want to reduce the volume level by an extra 5dB. If you’re not so worried about reducing the volume but want the sounds to be less grating then Flare Calmer plugs allow most sound into your ear but they direct it more smoothly through the ear canal. I am partially deaf so I probably am not the best person to give personal reviews on them as I can probably get a similar effect to a hearing person wearing either of these plugs just by not wearing my hearing aids. But I do find Loop ear plugs useful in very noisy places like bowling alleys

  • I work in sometimes noisy environments. When it's loud chatter and background noises that are impacting me hearing speech i've found calmer helpful to clarify speech, but these aren't great in the very loud environments. Loop engage I've found more helpful for this, I still need to be able to hear speech so engage was the best bet. They do work for different settings though. If you want more sound block and don't need to hear speech the other loop earplugs are likely better but I haven't tried these ones.