Social housing

I’ve had issues with a neighbour for 3.5 years (cannabis, loud music and harassment).

my housing association refuse to move me or deal with the situation. They tell me I have to get moved by the councils homechoice. The council say this is the housing associations issue. The police wouldnt charge. The council are now doing a occupational therapist refferal for the housing issue.

Has anyone had any Luck with these situations or any advise?  This has made my autism really hard to cope with due to having no quiet safe home. 

it’s very expensive to move privately where I live, so I really need them to move me. 

thank you 

  • Keep records of every problem.

    Speak to / contact your local councillor / MP / police and crime commissioner.

    As far as the loud noise is concerned contact environmental health at your local council. They may give you a device to monitor noise levels in your flat but will only act if the music is out of hours or above a certain volume. If you haven’t already got them get earplugs / headphones etc.

    I am fortunate that I am in social (retirement) housing so the problems aren’t quite as bad apart from one neighbour fly-tipping some rubbish outside my bedroom window. My problems are mainly with the housing association itself. My flat is nice but the housing association’s service is dreadful.

  • issue is its a housing association then.... which isnt actually owned by the council, but a private company that is agreeing to do cheap rent and allowing council to send people to them as if its council house when it really isnt a council house but a housing association signing up to a cheaper rent scheme and allowing council to send people.

    so in that case the association/private business is your landlord and they have the control on that. if you spoke to them they could evict your neighbour, especially for the drugs, they wont want illicit activity in their property.... especially smoking type as even basic smokers are a risk to burn down the property by accident.

    its funny too though, my neighbour is also loud especially between the night hours of 11pm to 5am.... and he and his loud girlfriend smoke canabis and i think they sell drugs too and have druggies come round. these types they are all the same all the time.

  • Could you ask your GP to write a letter stating that the situation is having a negative affect on your health. This may help to support your request to move. 

  • Hi, it happened to me.
    It's called Condominium Stalking.
    It must be distinguished from the condominium dispute.
    It has worse technical characteristics.
    In Italy there is a specific law.
    I made use of it very late, things got a lot worse.
    They have become serious.
    The advice you were given just prior to my post is worth heeding.
    See a lawyer first for legal advice.
    A reminder must be made first but well written by a lawyer.
    Then other legal actions if he doesn't respect the probable injunction to immediately stop bothering you.
    Be careful because it is something sneaky and proceeds over the years.
    It gets worse in many cases.
    With us it is provided for by the penal code in article 612 bis, and you have the right to free legal aid.
    I can not go into any personal details .
    But it is better to evaluate the actual situation you suffer.
    I don't know your legislation on the matter, here the sentences range from 5 and a half years in minimum function and increase according to the affected subjects, for example a disabled person and the sentence increases by a lot.
    1) Legal: exactly as suggested before me
    2) If nothing effective happens, collect documentary evidence, photos, audio, video, there are threats for example.
    Usually these people isolate you socially, don't let them.
    Witnesses: they are very important.
    Everything must be proved
    3) Even just 2 acts of actual harassment are enough and you are protected.
    4) Abbrevio because the post is long: I too am in serious difficulty precisely because these proceedings are long if not undertaken by lawyers.
    That is, if the complaint is made by non-experts, who perhaps with a single order to stop it bring the offense to an end before any other action.
    5) So: ask expert people for help and information, I liked the post above mine
    6) I can no longer bear the stress of this situation because it is truly disastrous.
  • I’ve had issues with a neighbour for 3.5 years (cannabis, loud music and harassment).

    It sounds like these are all borderline offences which is why the police won't act. Cannabis is quite legal now, loud music is still acceptable within some hours, depending on the decibels of the noise and harassment is difficult to quantify.

    If it is down to your Housing Assocication then I would get a copy of their rules, ask them for a clear explantion of the complaints process and begin documenting the issues with video footage to back it up.

    Once you have a clearly documented dossary of evidence then present it to the council, preferrably with the support of a number of other neighbours. Chase them weekly until you get a result one way or another.

    In the meantime you could see if there is enough evidence collected to put together a restraining order on the individual - I would speak to a lawyer first (of Citizens Advice Beaureau) to see if you are likely to succeed.

    Ultimately I suspect nothing will happen so you have the choice of working out how to move or living with the noise / smell / harassment. I'm just basing this on what I've known of similar situations (incuding myself) in the past.

    Unless you are good mates with a local hood who can put the fear of being beaten up into the neighbour of course, but that would be immoral...maybe even illegal.