Sleeping a lot and impact on daily life and routine

Hi everyone I am really struggling I sleep a lot because my autism and I burn out and have meltdowns. Since lockdown my whole routine went out the window and before Christmas I received my diagnosis.  Since having this I have really been thinking about things especially jobs and how need to rest will impact that and how employer would see that as I don't want to seen as lazy or not hard working. 

When I sleep it mess up my night time sleep as I go to bed later because of sleeping bit in the day. I am really concerned and wondering if anyone has some advice?   

  • I can relate to that... I'm lucky that if I stay in my field of work (research), when I progress in my career I will be able to work very flexible hours. There was a student in one of the previous labs I was in, who used to arrive on average at 4pm and stay until 4-5 am at night- she was essentially nocturnal... 

    I'm struggling a lot more at my current job as I feel there is an expectation to be there during normal times... so during past months if I was working evenings or weekends I would still feel compelled to also be there during the normal office hours... but I often also find it much more relaxing to work when less people are there... I tried to ask my boss whether I can be more flexible in my hours but he just didn't really get it... I'm desperate at this point though and I can't cope any longer so I am just going to go for it... as long as I get the work done hopefully noone complains... it's not like the outcome will be any different (i hope) whether it was done in the day or at night... 

  • has anyone else noticed that when they are super tired, it is even harder to sleep? 

    Yes, it's super annoying!

  • My sleep is up the left; too. Traditionally, I'm more productive at nighttime. However, we live in a daytime world. Slight frown

  • Hmm, I'm not sure I am having the opposite problem at the moment where I just cannot sleep at all... best case scenario fall asleep a few hours at 2/3 am but even then it's broken sleep and if I do sleep it's in the morning which is not very feasible with work.... 

    It's hard to tell but it is possible the job would help you get into a new routine with sleep... Could you maybe take a job where your hours are flexible? or possibly start off part time so that even if the hours aren't flexible there are at least less of them? 

    I'm sorry I can't be more helpful... I have been in relatively good sleep routines in the past though early mornings were never my thing .... but I can't really pinpoint why I was in a good routine at time vs bad one now... though I do blame stress and sheer exhaustion and burnout... has anyone else noticed that when they are super tired, it is even harder to sleep? 

  • Can't you get medication for hypothyroid? My Mum had her thyroid removed so she had to have meds, it took a while to balance it right but it helped her have more energy.

    When I was first sick with arthritis, about age 20, I slept all the time too, as inflammation causes fatigue. It was horrible, so you both have my sympathy.

  • I sleep all the time, sit down on the couch, then wake up hours later. It's this blooming hypothyroidism. The number of mornings i get something out of the freezer for my tea, it may only need reheating, but i just can;t be bothered in the everning. Then during the night i can't sleep 'cos my head is going round and around, with me trying to work out where my life is going. And it's going no where.