Pains but no cause

I've recently had tests including bloods and literally nothing comes back despite me being in pain all the time. Usually in my stomach. I've had tests a few years back and the same thing. I genuinely am in pain but my family think I imagine it. Could this be an autism thing? I try to keep busy and it can help with the pain at times but it's always there and can make me feel rough at times. I had tests a few days ago and today the GP said it's all come back okay. Confused and feeling like I just graduated from the school of muppets.

  • i think it can be an autism thing yes 

  • Yes it could be an autism thing and I doubt it's imaginary.  Anxiety can actively cause literal stomach pain. IBS is common for us and that causes me plenty of stomach pain, but no doctor would find a cause in any bloods.  Also when burned out I get weird muscle pain.  they go away when I'm not burned out any more.  before I knew I was autistic quacks were running blood test to find out what they are.  Mystery solved now, I guess.

  • In the past, I've been convinced - like really convinced - that I was dying of a stomach/bowel issue.  It transpires I was not, despite some extremely characteristic pain and other indicators all being symptomatic of a problem...for months and months.

    I have read many articles and accounts of autistic people having an unusual relationship to the feeling of pain.....and to a lesser extent, relationship with illness generally.

    My experience with pain and illness has always been decidedly atypical.

    I do hope your troubles pass.

  • I’m interested to know what tests you had? Bloods tests aren’t specific to the stomach so they would have been looking for anything general.

  • Whereabouts is the pain? Upper or lower abdomen? And what tests did they do?

    Digestive issues are common with autism, so could be anything from IBS to trapped wind if it's lower down.

    For some things like gastritis or stomach ulcers (upper abdomen) I don't think there is a test as such, beyond checking for H. pylori, but you can have an ulcer without that being present. Inflammation of the stomach won't necessarily show up on a blood test, it can be very painful - I'm suffering from it right now. The diagnosis was based on ruling everything else out, there was no positive test for it.

  • It could be a food intolerance. I had horrible stomach pain, even using the gearstick in the car hurt my stomach. I had a gastroscopy to see if I had a gastric ulcer, but nothing was found. For some time I had had bad stomach pain when drinking cask-conditioned beer, so I stopped. It stuck me that I was eating baguette sandwiches for lunch most days and that beer and bread both contained yeast. I cut out all leavened bread from my diet and my stomach problem disappeared entirely.

  • Confused and feeling like I just graduated from the school of muppets.

    That makes you furry and cute.

    Seriously though, when I worked (admin) in a hospital there was a pain clinic that (I believe) included people in your situation.

    Pain can unfortunately be psychosomatic (usually stress induced), neurological or simply unable to be diagnosed.

    I don't know what to suggest medically if you have had all the relevant tests, but you could research for pain specialists and/or clinics and see if you are able to get a referral.