Diet x

Hi all what do people do about there eating most the stuff I eat is unhealthy I can’t help that but I’m lacking in energy etc what can I do has anyone got help from the doctors 

  • Man, it only depends on you! I mean, if you are strong enough actually to refuse to eat junk food, then you'll be able to change it all. Trust me, as soon as you get a proper diet, and your life will change. You'll feel much better, and you'll feel insane energy even from the moment you wake up. I have felt that on my own skin. After changing my diet, I decided to go to the gym. I got so addicted to working out that I decided to become a freaking bode builder! But, I was afraid of all those steroids until I read a review on Well, I cannot say that I have reached my goal yet, but I'm pretty close to it.

  • I don't just eat moderately when I need to and eat what I feel like when I feel like if I feel I'm getting fat or over weight I hit the gym even though I've been slacking on the gym lately but intend to start up again after new year 

  • Totally incorrect advice.

  • this is not good advice. no qualified dietician will ever tell you to completely cut out ANY food group. a balanced diet is always key. cut down maybe, but do not cut out completely. if you're doing things right, ALL foods can fit into a balanced diet and actually leads to less bingeing on unhealthy foods

  • Fresh cooked meat and fresh vegetables replace things like white rice and white pasta with wholemeal versions of it. And then try introduce exercise

  • Start introducing some changes slowly. Then when it becomes a better habit, introduce another change. I find this easier than making drastic changes all in one go. 

  • No carbs or sugars: no white food 

  • It takes a lot of effort but we all know what is healthy and unhealthy to eat. Eat more fruit & veg and never have takeaways is a good start.

  • Doctors typically only intervene if your underweight. often asking the Doctor for help with weight loss is something that most doctors do not take seriously and will often not even inform you of some of the things they can assist with. Most GP can prescribed exercise and in some situations pay or subsidise a gym membership. They can also referee you to social wellbeing group where they can pair you up with a volunteer who can go to the gym with you, find a local exercise group or activity & teach you how to cook better. Doctor can also refer you to a dietitian and phycologists.    

    What exactly is the issue ? is it binge eating ? are you forgetting to eat and drink and then realising last minuet and grabbing something quick ? are you dependant on caffeinated beverages ? are you struggling with food textures and smells ? are you currently struggling with the imitation of preparing a meals ? 

    All the issue i mentioned above is something that i have had to deal with having both autism & ADHD. 

    You better off referring yourself to your local Health & Wellbeing then seeing your doctor as they are more willing to offer you help and support.