Visual Snow

Does anybody else see visual snow? I only just found out it's a thing, after I found out my support worker doesn't see air and then I found out that most people don't! 

I see tiny lights everywhere and can watch them for hours. They will help me get to sleep on a night, when  I'm not too hyper. Just wondered how many other people here, have this. 

  • Is this different to migraines? I see flashing lights at the sides of my vision, sometimes accompanied by horrendous headaches but more often it's just the lights. 

  • Its with me 24/7. The effect increases with extreme darkness but my night vision is superlative. With my eyes closed it looks like the 4th of July and an Apple screensaver had kids. Been this way since I was a small child and has been consistent throughout my life. Its is effected by sounds speech and patterns that I see (patterns have a tendency to wander off onto other objects like walls, surfaces, the sky). Objects in the foreground are outlined in pale auras, especially if against a bright background. In my world, there aren't and never have been solid blocks/areas of color. I can understand it academically but I have never experienced it. My vision is like a good computer game on a high quality monitor. I assumed everyone had this until I asked and found out they did not.

  • Its with me 24/7. The effect increases with extreme darkness but my night vision is superlative. With my eyes closed it looks like the 4th of July and an Apple screensaver had kids. Been this way since I was a small child and has been consistent throughout my life. Its is effected by sounds speech and patterns that I see (patterns have a tendency to wander off onto other objects like walls, surfaces, the sky). Objects in the foreground are outlined in pale auras, especially if against a bright background. In my world, there aren't and never have been solid blocks/areas of color. I can understand it academically but I have never experienced it. My vision is like a good computer game on a high quality monitor. I assumed everyone had this until I asked and found out they did not.
