Visual Snow

Does anybody else see visual snow? I only just found out it's a thing, after I found out my support worker doesn't see air and then I found out that most people don't! 

I see tiny lights everywhere and can watch them for hours. They will help me get to sleep on a night, when  I'm not too hyper. Just wondered how many other people here, have this. 

  • Greetings Miss Bluey-Shiney-Person... Excuse me a slight ebullition, but... YAY! Is this not the sort of query/observation which would ONLY be seen upon a Forum with Autistic People...?!

    My response to you is in two parts, else the Post would be too long. (for me, anyway.) "Visual Snow", You call it. These include my opinion, Scientific & Logical, but the fact is, I have never seen this "Flotsam" or "Ability" documented elsewhere, ever, and so I am glad to finally put all of this into writing someplace.
    First, to dismiss "Floaters": These are are a known and documented phenomenon in Optometry, where the Iris overproduces Cellular Matter which is seen as "floating" in the Eyes and may obscr vision. To dismiss this direction further, here are some Links:

    ...I know that this is not wholly what you are talking about, but I Post that to dismiss some things, which, as said, occur, and are likely said to be what you are talking about...!

  • Also DC, it hasn't been related to autism at all, that's why I brought it up here, to see how many autistic people on here have it, because so far, it hasn't been reported in an autistic person. But the strange thing is, part of the condition is desensitization, (I think that's what they call it), they become disconnected from their bodies some how and it's like they don't know who they are anymore. It might be called depersonilsation. It's weird but as I was listening to some of them tell their story, I thought, my god, they've become autistic! lol! That's why I thought, maybe all autistic people have this? It has several facets to it, I might try and get a summary of it because reading these posts, it seems most of us have it in one form or another.

    They also relate it to astronauts and cosmic rays! 

  • Also DC, it hasn't been related to autism at all, that's why I brought it up here, to see how many autistic people on here have it, because so far, it hasn't been reported in an autistic person. But the strange thing is, part of the condition is desensitization, (I think that's what they call it), they become disconnected from their bodies some how and it's like they don't know who they are anymore. It might be called depersonilsation. It's weird but as I was listening to some of them tell their story, I thought, my god, they've become autistic! lol! That's why I thought, maybe all autistic people have this? It has several facets to it, I might try and get a summary of it because reading these posts, it seems most of us have it in one form or another.

    They also relate it to astronauts and cosmic rays! 

  • Greetings. Two more 'Dismissal' things from Myself.

    First - Seeing large Swirls or Blotches or Poofy Things ( - Proper term, anyone Please...!?) in the eyes... Again, I know that these are not what Miss BlueRay is talking about.
    Seeing these swooshy-pulses (...) IS actually seeing the Blood in your own eyes. For me, they are Yellowish. They are seen by Children and Adults alike. They should always seen when going to sleep. They may be seen when wide awake though, if ones eyes are relaxing or are tired. They are also seen by people with sudden eye injuries, because they are looking at thier own blood as I say. This is an actual thing, but still I know not where it is defined and documented in LAW, it is just so far anecdotal. (Why??)

    Second - It is another non-clearly defined fact that, what is seen in the centre of the eyes is different from what is seen at the sides of it. In the Military, and in Astronomy, for example... Night Vision is better using the corners of the eyes or looking next to a thing, rather than looking directly at that thing. Anyone reading this can test this, by standing in a pitch-black room, or by going outside at night, and looking at something, at the words in a book or at the stars or any object. Looking directly at the thing, it may disappear, but looking aside at it then it is perceived. To overcome this, usually a light that shines Red is used.

    ...Need I say again that I know that these are NOT what Miss BlueRay is talking about, which is why I Post them. But the trouble is, all of this sort of thing must be taken into account, for a Disambiguator like myself.

    And it is so very annoying that there seems to be no proper Term for these two phenomenon! Does anyone know of any? Anyone...?
