Visual Snow

Does anybody else see visual snow? I only just found out it's a thing, after I found out my support worker doesn't see air and then I found out that most people don't! 

I see tiny lights everywhere and can watch them for hours. They will help me get to sleep on a night, when  I'm not too hyper. Just wondered how many other people here, have this. 

  • Is this different to migraines? I see flashing lights at the sides of my vision, sometimes accompanied by horrendous headaches but more often it's just the lights. 

  • It's a collection of symptoms and what you're describing is one of the symptoms and it has a name, I just can't remember the name.

    I don't have that one regularly but when I used to get migraines and take a certain migraine tablet, it would switch off the pain but not the other migraine symptoms but the tablet knocks me out anyway so I just used to sleep it off.

    Poor night vision is also part of it, which I have. Aching, heavy and tired eyes is another which I can see because as I've been looking at the light much more, recently, my eyes get that tired thing a lot more. I think it's because I'm looking at it more and it is more noticeable more of the time as well, even when I'm not consciously looking at it. I can see it most of the time now. But I like looking at it, but a lot of the people who have been part of the initial studies, a couple of years ago, don't like it and they actually want medication and a cure for it.

    Some of the participants are kids and they experience it in the way I do which maybe relates to what DC was saying, that as autistic people we don't mature in the same way as others so maybe I've retained that childlike relationship to it. The kids love it, they chase the light around the room and sit watching it when they're in bed, it's really soothing. 

  • It's a collection of symptoms and what you're describing is one of the symptoms and it has a name, I just can't remember the name.

    I don't have that one regularly but when I used to get migraines and take a certain migraine tablet, it would switch off the pain but not the other migraine symptoms but the tablet knocks me out anyway so I just used to sleep it off.

    Poor night vision is also part of it, which I have. Aching, heavy and tired eyes is another which I can see because as I've been looking at the light much more, recently, my eyes get that tired thing a lot more. I think it's because I'm looking at it more and it is more noticeable more of the time as well, even when I'm not consciously looking at it. I can see it most of the time now. But I like looking at it, but a lot of the people who have been part of the initial studies, a couple of years ago, don't like it and they actually want medication and a cure for it.

    Some of the participants are kids and they experience it in the way I do which maybe relates to what DC was saying, that as autistic people we don't mature in the same way as others so maybe I've retained that childlike relationship to it. The kids love it, they chase the light around the room and sit watching it when they're in bed, it's really soothing. 

  • (...Just look at how long that Post was. I am so very annoyed at that! I have trouble with reading long Posts but then I go off and write something like that?... Grumble, Moan, Gripe...!)

  • (Oh Boy... This is a very large business, which I might not be allowed chance to cover...!)

    Um... Me again. First, to sort of dismiss Migranes... This is totally different, since Migranes are damage or weakening. Please use the ARM example I stated: If your arm is hurt or something is attacking it, then it will send back all of these signals, which are PAIN/Damage signals... but in this case they are seen as Light. (I also used to get Migranes and Headaches as well, so do not think that I do not know what it is like.)   :-(         

    Next, Here, is one large topic which I am thinking towards in part. I am reluctant to broach it here, for it is a large digression but is also relevant. Please have a look at: 

       Auras.     Kirlian Photography.

    ...These are two large topics, dismissed as Spiritual/Bunkum/Hokum/Pseudo-Science as much as Ghosts are, but the problem is sorting out lies from truth. I do apologise for mentioning this - it is like telling people tinterested in Mines to visit a Minefield rather than a Hardware Store...! 

    Finally - My 'opinion' again. All of this is like discussing seeing real Snow, and others giving 52 different names for that exact same Snow. Bottom line is - everything is real and everthing is possible, but not everthing real or possible is currently defined in LAW. Much of things percieved (seen, felt, heard, tasted, etc.), especially by, um "children" is a thing which is outside of the perception of another. ("Another" Usually means a Domesticated Adult.)

    Adult Humans say that "All people" cannot see Ultraviolet, InfraRed, Radiation, Echolocation, Remote Touch, Pressure Sensing, etc. etc. ... But some Adult Humans can.

    ...Just not enough Adult Humans to validate such things in LAW!

    To Miss BlueRay, sorry I dare not much elaborate. But - if Something PROVES itself to be real, then keep on using and testing and investigating that One Something. (I do not know if you recall the Thread where I posted links to "Animal Communication", but all of this is similar to that. Everyone is born with the capability to do more than what Domesticated Human Society allows.)