18_09_17.....For those that have lost the thread....mis-wired ramblings....short circuit!

For those of you that have lost the plot, tangled yourself in the thread, lost a marble, misplaced their armoured shelll....hang out here!

This is the Home for the Mis-Wired, waiting for the ferry to Autopia / sitting in the waiting room of diagnosis .....tickets please! All aboard!

QUESTION. - How long do you give it before we get our threads in a twist on this one!?.....

ANSWER - I give it 24 hours....

tick, tick, tick....

  • This is all getting far too complicated for me.  I can't keep up.  Sorry.  I find some of these multiple-nested, multiple-reply threads really hard going.  Slight frown

  • Sorry Tom.... I am causing too much disruption to things..

    going to lie low for a while...

    hope your Monday was ok...

  • Now now less of that Ellie,we are just a bit tired!we are still here talking,nobody makes us,we choose to be here even when feeling a bit low,so all in all it cheers us up.

    Tom your not supposed to keep up,we reckon after about twenty replies everything goes doodley wibble.

    Nice to see you tom.

  • Sweet dreams xxx 

  • Time to snuggle under the duvet. Sleeping

  • Haha Well he's very cute really as is Pooh 

  • This thread is turning into a poo/Pooh fest! LOL

  • Sounds like you are are having lovely time in your shed Lone. My guinea and I watch soppy stuff most of the time and mysteries at others. And he behaves like guineas do ... poo a lot! 

  • Hi Ellie I am not stopping!halfway through painting something amongst other things,shed stuff/tool resto,what a surprise.

    Anyway was hoping to bump into you and all the other nice people who frequent this play area, I am sad that you are still in that hole! Seems your mask is slipping a little? Well why not let it slip off further? Would be nice to see the real Ellie, well you did say grab another mask to join the show, I imagine a mask free ellie will be interesting and maybe not what we imagined but hey we all have masks so when you feel right just let it slip a little,I will catch you if needs be, right paintbrush going hard so catch up later.

    missy I hope your guinea is behaving sat on your lap,what films does it enjoy most?

    big hugs all and catch ya laters,()()()()xxxX

  • Hello Ellie. Maybe you are tired from the full on week and being a bit hard on yourself. Being hard on yourself is easy for all of us we are very practised at it and we also run out of social oomph very easily and then take people's quietness as a rejection or reflection on ourselves rather than it just being a quiet time. I have fear of rejection or abandonment too. It's not a nice feeling at all. Please don't put your mask back on here we like you just as you are. You are fine on here. We are all in a "funny" headspace at the moment .so please keep on hanging on here even if we are not chatty all of the time. I'm feeling most frustrated because my lack of energy and aches and pains are preventing me from doing things I want to do. Including seeing my niece before she goes away for several months. At the moment I am watching back to back YouTube movies with my guinea pig on my lap.  I try to keep calm but sometimes the fear of things not improving gets to me. So very light films are ok and all I can manage for today. It gets lonely looking after oneself all the time ( or not) but please take care of yourself Ellie. Do one something just for you which makes you feel ok. 

  • Sorry Spotty..I'll jog on and leave you alone. - sorry

    I am not in the right head space for this at the moment.....slumped in my hole AGAIN before I am able to come out and grab another mask to join the show.

    i constantly hit this wall that I hit a slump and want to reach out to others but can't articulate myself or what I want or need from them.....I have a constant fear of rejection...and seem to micro-manage it to a tee that that is exactly what happens.

    sorry Peeps... 


  • Anyhow....this thread has exceeded its 24 hour life span!

    Spotty...will you please do the honours...can I tag you to start the next thread!??? are you feeling brave?

    how about "News from the Shell?" - "A word in your shell-like?"....."News from the insider"????

    pleeeaaaassssseeeee  x

  • ******* BUZZER!!!! ******* self depreciation alert!!!!

    I've told you about this before!!!!


  • At last! Been trying to post but each type I hit reply the keypad on my iPad tablet bounced up and then back out of sight again? I was starting to panic,couldn't have a nice evening without catching up with you lot, I suppose everyone's gone to bed now?

    Just little old me rattling about in here, So where to start? I am also a bit claustrophobic but have pushed myself mentally to accept it.

    I got shut in an empty garage once,it was lads having a "joke" ,It was dark and I was frightened,after kicking and screaming a passing adult let me out.

    Considering I spent most of my childhood under tables and hiding in cupboards as well as under beds and in cupboards I realised there was no reason to panic,the garage was a one off.

    So I overcame my fear.I also do similar mind bending with heights,I have adapted to change to fit,therefore I am more than qualified.

    So I see things aren't to bad tonite? I have a very strong hand which can lift a whole person from below ground! I also understand that some holes can be very comforting when needed.

    Been thinking about all of you today, mostly how nice it is to share my time with you all,I really do look forward to logging in here and checking on my buddies,

    I think we all deserve a group hug! ()()()()()x

    I wish you could see the smile on my face when I see how caring and nice we all are to each other.

    I keep trying that walking past the door of requirement, it might have worked as no one seems to be needing my support tonite? A double edged sword that. Health and happiness for you all but I end up here on my own,Still as long as I could see your happiness I could cope.

    loving you all for being you.xxx()()()()xxx.and I have a few emergency cuddles for anyone needing one.

  • I like reading it when I can make head and tail of it, even if I don't have time or brain to join in. My hole will be more like Missy's as I am a bit claustrophobic too. Hope you have a peaceful nigClap Missy and well done to everyone for making it to Friday. ClapClapClap

  • Not too awful I hope. Now you have gone very quiet and into your burrow. And I need to go to bed as I am feeling very sore. Goodnight all. Ellie Spotty Warrior Glad you made it to the weekend. ()()()

  • Have my moments ConfusedRolling eyes.  Chocolate muffin sounds very nice just now. 

  • Lol...you are awful! 

  • You just have to think about what you need and it will appear..maybe a giant hole and an even bigger chocolate muffin! X 

  • Well leave msg's til later ..(. they can turn them off! )Slight smile

  • The Room of Requirement is located on Hogwarts' seventh floor, across from the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy. To "open it" you must walk past the area of the door three times, thinking of what you need. For example: Say you need a place to study.

    Tis a HP thing...poor Spotty and Lone and Tom are getting so many thread notifications from thus - sorry guys x 

  • The Room of Requirement is located on Hogwarts' seventh floor, across from the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy. To "open it" you must walk past the area of the door three times, thinking of what you need. For example: Say you need a place to study.

    Tis a HP thing...poor Spotty and Lone and Tom are getting so many thread notifications from thus - sorry guys x 
