18_09_17.....For those that have lost the thread....mis-wired ramblings....short circuit!

For those of you that have lost the plot, tangled yourself in the thread, lost a marble, misplaced their armoured shelll....hang out here!

This is the Home for the Mis-Wired, waiting for the ferry to Autopia / sitting in the waiting room of diagnosis .....tickets please! All aboard!

QUESTION. - How long do you give it before we get our threads in a twist on this one!?.....

ANSWER - I give it 24 hours....

tick, tick, tick....

Parents Reply Children
  • Happy Tuesday Missy and Spotty.....hope you both have a good day x

  • Not stupid at all.. it's more relevant than you can imagine so sentiment much appreciated. contributing is voluntary it's hard to keep up with it all sometimes I just ignore them if they have replies unless interested. Hope OH health issues not too serious but must be enough if they are bothering you. 

    Think I will wend my way to my lovely duvet no heating on so it's warmer there! Goodnight Spotty x

  • Uneventful, I did some reading around here, there seems to be a lot to read, but wasn't feeling very contributory. OH has health issues at the moment too which are preying on my mind. Another day tomorrow like you said. Hope you have a comfortable night if that isn't a stupid thing to say. x