Do you find yourself easily latching onto a "safe" person?

This could be anyone, and I've found in my experience they don't have to be neurodivergent either.

At school, there were teachers who offered support and things like that but I always felt intimidated by it. Things have changed particularly over the last year or so though.

I'm in my late 20s. I see a therapist each week and earlier in the year I latched onto her quite intensely, seeing her as a maternal figure. I had no friends in my life at that time; I'd lost them all the year prior and feared being abandoned again. It has lessened slightly but at the same time, it's still there in the same way. Obviously I know of the obvious boundary, which I don't intend to cross.

I've started a little film & TV production bootcamp and there is someone there who's basically on top of wellbeing and, to use her words, "a shoulder to cry on if you need it". I never felt like I had that in any other sort of academic institution type place. The same person interviewed me so I'm already comfortable with them.

It's a difficult one, because I think it's right that support comes from different areas, but I do seem to have a habit of latching onto people who may not be emotionally available in the way I may want.

  • I was abused when I was a child, it has made me very cautious of anyone new, if someone tries too hard to befriend me, it sets off alarms and will cause me to retreat.

    Occasionally someone will interest me, I find it easy to mimic things like accent and mannerisms, I can be interested in their interests. I wonder if it’s a form of masking on my part.

  • self preservation mechanism. Ditto with me.

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