I'm struggling to cope that I have an autism diagnosis

So it will be a year since I got diagnosed for autism I'm really struggling to cope with this I don't know what to do to help myself cope with this since my pass i have been really struggling to cope I don't know who to turn to for help 

  • I am new to this community however I think some sources of help are Autism books that you could get at a library or buy online. There are some helpful websites with articles like Attwood and Garnett. There are helpful podcasts online too. Some local areas have Autism hubs where you can drop in for support and also maybe talking therapies self referral or chat with GP about things. 

    Depending on what things you are struggling with them if it is work related you can maybe access help from Scope Support to Work and access to work/Maximus.


    This link has some helpful advice 

  • Hi there. I think for me it is like a circle of emotions which goes round and round. I know on one level that I should be accepting, but often I seem to be in depression and occasionally anger, but less and less denial. For me, it's like a Kubler Ross grief cycle.

    I think for me I am still finding my tribe. My family is my rock, because we are all autistic, so we 'get' each other. So that helps.

    Out there in the world, it is a lot more difficult. 

    I have immersed myself in autism literature and that has been useful for me. I've not been to any support groups as I'm not sure it would be helpful for me, but maybe one day.

    I've also spent more time on my special interest, which I think helps.

    I have tried all the other things to look after my mental health separately. Counselling, stopping drinking alcohol, exercising, instant messaging my few friends. Things that I should do may also happen in the future: writing down my feelings and journalling, eating a healthier diet, losing weight. The list is definitely one which 'might' happen.

    I wish you well on your journey. Take care of yourself.

  • After I read someone else's testimony that it took him 4 years to take it all in, I just waited for the process to complete.

    Took me a shade under three years to mostly complete. 

    It I.T. terms, it's been like running "defrag" on my brain.

    (Although I'm not convinced it's running any faster now, it certainly went slower for a while..)

  • I'm sure more experience site users will direct you to more detailed help sources, but what kind of things are you struggling to cope with? Giving advice without knowing what's wrong could cause hiccups.