Realising I'm better off unattached

Recently I'm coming to terms that I function better without friends or attachments, I have my own routines and rhythms that malfunction when things change too much too fast or when I try to change to appease people and ignore my introverted nature.

I'm not completely asocial, but I engage in the minimum contact required to keep things balanced.

I am considering telling my local activity coordinator next week that I want to stop looking for social groups and volunteering.

  • Maybe volunteering is a bit much because of the responsibility, but autism social groups could still be ok. Autistics are very all or nothing / black and white thinkers. But there are useful grey areas.

    Don't even think about the social groups being about finding a partner or even friends, but maybe as just doing a bit of useful socialising and socialising practice, and even support.

  • Maybe volunteering is a bit much because of the responsibility, but autism social groups could still be ok. Autistics are very all or nothing / black and white thinkers. But there are useful grey areas.

    Don't even think about the social groups being about finding a partner or even friends, but maybe as just doing a bit of useful socialising and socialising practice, and even support.
