
I only learnt this word today. It so, so fits me. Learnt to read early - excellent reading and writing skills but find listening and talking really hard

  • I discovered this word a few months ago, when researching the strengths of autistic people.

    I'm also hyperlexic - I read well from an early age, and was always ahead of my peers in reading and spelling. 

    I also find it difficult to learn by listening - I'm a very visual learner - and I read very fast.

  • I need to know the word for can read and write(ok poor hand writing bit can do it) but struggles with grammar punctuation and finding the right words when writing about something and I defo struggle with creative writing and word counts lol .... mabie I'm just thick? Nah am joking but that's hoe people do react when you cant use a comma in the, right place 

  • Wow! Sounds like you are a real hyperlexic - the first one I’ve met I think.

    i love writing and have completed a novel t that some people have enjoyed(not published). In spite of that I hate talking about writing and can’t do creative writing courses where you have to critique each others work. Just can’t find the words. Strange, isn’t it?

  • Me too. I learnt to read and write before school.

    If you meet me in person you might think I'm stupid (or as one university professor put it: "I thought you were retarded"). Most of the time I don't say anything or I'm monosyllabic.

    But I have an endless capacity for the written word and it's my preferred communication method and I read very fast. I can absorb long texts quickly but struggle to listen to someone talking. My social skills lagged behind in childhood and I preferred books.