
I only learnt this word today. It so, so fits me. Learnt to read early - excellent reading and writing skills but find listening and talking really hard

  • It's great to still be learning stuff! Finding out new words. I've learned a lot here.

    I don't think I would qualify as hyperlexic. I did have a reading age of 14 when I was tested around age 10. So on the way, maybe.

    I'm not bad verbally, but still make the same social mistakes. I'm a very good listener, but I think that is one of my masking techniques because it takes the pressure off me and others like to talk about themselves.

  • I disagree - if your reading age was 14 when you were only 10, I believe that does make you hyperlexic.

    I've also been told I'm a good listener, but that's different to being able to learn by listening. People often just want someone to listen to them, but if you forget some of what they said later, it doesn't really matter. Like you said, there is no pressure when listening to someone in a social setting but there is when you're trying to learn something you must retain.

  • I disagree - if your reading age was 14 when you were only 10, I believe that does make you hyperlexic.

    I've also been told I'm a good listener, but that's different to being able to learn by listening. People often just want someone to listen to them, but if you forget some of what they said later, it doesn't really matter. Like you said, there is no pressure when listening to someone in a social setting but there is when you're trying to learn something you must retain.
