
I only learnt this word today. It so, so fits me. Learnt to read early - excellent reading and writing skills but find listening and talking really hard

  • Me too. I learnt to read and write before school.

    If you meet me in person you might think I'm stupid (or as one university professor put it: "I thought you were retarded"). Most of the time I don't say anything or I'm monosyllabic.

    But I have an endless capacity for the written word and it's my preferred communication method and I read very fast. I can absorb long texts quickly but struggle to listen to someone talking. My social skills lagged behind in childhood and I preferred books.

  • Wow! Sounds like you are a real hyperlexic - the first one I’ve met I think.

    i love writing and have completed a novel t that some people have enjoyed(not published). In spite of that I hate talking about writing and can’t do creative writing courses where you have to critique each others work. Just can’t find the words. Strange, isn’t it?

  • Wow! Sounds like you are a real hyperlexic - the first one I’ve met I think.

    i love writing and have completed a novel t that some people have enjoyed(not published). In spite of that I hate talking about writing and can’t do creative writing courses where you have to critique each others work. Just can’t find the words. Strange, isn’t it?

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