Have our lives been stolen from us?

To all the other single, jobless or not 30 somethings out there,

Do you feel like life has passed you by?  Where normies had social lives, had fun, got decent jobs, had families,

people like us fell through the cracks, living in others' shadows, persecuted for invisible differences and resigned to crappy job placements or stuck on the dole, trapped in our own boxes and too odd to be considered feasible friends, lovers, partners, etc.

  • Yes. I definitely feel as if life is passing me by. And definitely persecuted for differences that I'm not even aware of. I even got told once that someone felt uncomfortable because I'd offered her a birthday present! Do neurotypicals not offer people birthday presents? What's so different about me doing it!!?

  • I feel there's more context to it than just that though. Was this someone who was merely a colleague or someone who had already expressed that they didn't want you to speak to them on that level?

  • I feel there's more context to it than just that though. Was this someone who was merely a colleague or someone who had already expressed that they didn't want you to speak to them on that level?

  • Did you ask her if she'd be comfortable with said offer beforehand? I have known of female friends (who are not single) who would feel a bit iffy about me sending them gifts, even if it's just in a friendly context.

    Not because they wouldn't appreciate it but because of the optics. A card should be fine but anything beyond that, I'd probably be a bit more careful.

  • She was a fellow drama group member who I was friendly with. We'd talked about the possibility of spending time together outside of drama group but hadn't actually done so. She knew I wasn't trying to initiate a romantic relationship, she was married.