Does Anyone Want to Chat?

If anyone wants a chat just send me a pm, i'll try to talk about any subject you want,  I'm feeling lonely and isolated today,  I've just sat in all day?

I wish this forum had a chat room , maybe its something that could be considered having

Can anyone play chess? 

  • Partial bump to keep the thread alive. I've been reading the writings of Marcus Tullius Cicero, and came across a term I found rather interesting. "Similar to the truth". Cicero is refering to arguments in the sense typically of a legal dispute, where the objective of the prosecutor and the defender is to convince the judge or jury that the ruling they favour is the correct one.

    "In court cases, it is always the duty of the juror to pursue the truth; it is sometimes the duty of the advocate to defend what is similar to the truth, even if it be less than the truth."

    I understand that as autists, we have a leaning toward binary thinking. Right and wrong, good and evil. Truth and lies. What Cicero puts forward here, plants its feet firmly between the two states and says that in some things there must be grey areas. The advocate of the defence's duty isn't to lie, but to prove that the prosecutor's truth is flawed. That reasonable doubt exists.

    Realising that, I can see why legal roles would be especially challenging for someone like me, who prefers things clear, cut and beyond doubt.

  • Well if you do I'm sure one of us here wouldn't mind bringing you up to speed on the rules. I've taught a few people the basics myself.

  • The best takeaway I got from the series is that a key strategy to improving your game is a hidden projector pointed at the ceiling and telling Magnus Carlsen that you've taken Hikaru Nakamura captive.

  • I would recommend the Youtube channel Gotham Chess. The content creator, Levy, is a very good teacher, and quite humerous when he wants to be. I particularly enjoy his "Guess the Elo" series, where he watches two ranked players go against each other and tries to guess what their ratings on based purely on how they play.
    If I could recommend a particular fun video, "INSANE New Chess Bot", where he personally goes up against a particularly monstrous computer opponent wearing the guise of a cute little kitty cat.

  • Yeah, I enjoyed the queens gambit too - it made me take up chess again after years not playing.

    Sadly I didn't pick up any tips how to play better though, so I'll never be a grand master (- mistress?) Disappointed

  • Good idea, however this "chat room" has got a bit busy and I'm having trouble keeping track of who's saying what...

    I like chess, but I'm a very poor player. I sometimes play Pure Chess on the Xbox against the AI. I can't play with people, because I get annoyed when I lose and have to play again until I win. The AI doesn't care how many times I want a rematch, or whether I call it a "cheating bi*ch" (Kurt Russell in 'The Thing' - 1982) but luckily I don't tip my drink over the console. I can also set the AI level to that of a monkey so I win a lot. 

    Does anyone have any tips for books or websites that help you improve in chess?

  • Well there are certainly enough women grandmasters to render the saying rather antiquated, that's for sure. And there was that rather excellent Netflix series, The Queen's Gambit, that I enjoyed very much.

  • Never heard that saying before. 

    I can play chess, but not well - but I am a LADY (in the voice of David Walliams in Little Britain) he he...

  • Welcome to Autistic Chess Club, then! Join and add those names below. Tell us yours here. I'm signing off here for today, but maybe one of the others will be able to play? I'll never give a good match, anyway. Loneliness is the pits.

  • I love chess, feel lonely, and wish there was a chat room as well Thumbsup

  • I have embarrassingly played  thousands of games of checkers.  Possibly the most autistic fact about me.

    I am a master at it. Hilarious.

    I really need to migrate over to Chess.  I am daunted by it.

  • Thanks Mark, I'm back now,  As soon as I stepped outside the clouds appeared from nowhere, Winter is on its way, I always find winter more difficult than summer to get through, 

    Anyway I've never Seen Sarah Connor chronicles, i guess its pretty good if your watching it again.  I watch alot of programs from channel 4's Walter presents , Iif you don't mind reading subtitles they are  really good thrillers from around Europe .

  • (Terminator - I'm actually re-watching the Sarah Connor Chronicles at the moment. Better than 3 onwards)

  • Cool Good chat. Have a great rest of the afternoon!

  • Great film. I used to spend the vast majority of my money on DVDs/CDs back in the day. I have that on DVD in beautiful packaging. I since got on Blu-ray but kept the old packaging. 

  • Right the Sun has come out,  I'm going to sit in the Garden for a while

    "I'll be Back!!"     

    And what film is that from??? lol

  • i have sent you an " Hello message" on there, it might show up,  I did check your profile im not up on your friends list, your showing up on mine

  • i'm not sure, it sometimes takes a while, your on my friends list

    • You do not talk about Chess Club.
    • You do NOT talk about Chess Club.
    • If someone says "Stop" or goes limp, taps out, the game is over.
    • Only two guys to a games.
    • One game at a time.
    • No shirts, no shoes.
    • games will go on as long as they have to.
    • If this is your first time at chess Club, you have to play

    what films is that from?  lol

  • So, what's the first rule of chess club?